Happy Christmas 2016

Hi there, how are you doing? I hope you have had a really good couple of week’s. Mine have been busy with lots of fun things going on. Two weeks ago today on Saturday 10th December. I turned forty. To celebrate I organised a big party for my family and friends.

As I figured such an important event was well worth marking in a memorable way. And I do like a party. I had previously thrown one for my twenty-first and my thirtieth birthday’s. So this was the next logical big birthday. That I felt definitely required one.

Happy 40th Birthday
Happy 40th Birthday

At each of my previous do’s there has always been some form of entertainment. At the first one I had a singer and at the next one it was a comedian. I have been trying to step it up each time. For this latest one I really went for it. I decided to put on a full variety type show featuring a collection of acts. Who I had worked with in the past. And me as the main host.

I loosely based it on the Live At The Palladium show’s. But I would like to point out that legally my show was completely different of course. And any similarities were purely coincidental.

Tonight at the London Palladium
Tonight at the London Palladium

I had tried to keep the show a complete secret. So only a handful of people knew it was happening at all. And even less knew the performers that were taking part. Now most of my family and friends had never actually seen me do any of my Stand Up comedy. So I thought that it would be a good time to put that right.

I opened the show with about five minutes of my best material. Thankfully, as they all knew me. They were a very supportive and a nice audience. Who laughed in all the right places. Know your audience, literally.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

My first guest was a brilliant singer called Nickita. I first worked with her about seven year’s ago. When I booked her to play at the very first Christmas Light’s Switch on. That I organised for Mix 96. She came on and did three disco classics. Which were so good. She sounded and I must say also looked amazing. I am just thankful that our outfits did not clash or that could have been embarrassing.

It was lovely to see her and work with her again. She was telling me she has been signed up as a writer for a major record label. And it looks like one of her compositions may be given to a huge girl band. Which would be pretty cool, to say the least.


I then came back on and did a few more quick jokes. As basically it was my party and I just wanted to build my part up. I then introduced the next act. Who was a fantastic comedian I know from the Brighton area. He was on the bill of the first proper comedy gig I did. For Laughing Badger Comedy in Hemel Hempstead. I thought he was hilarious. So when the chance came for me to book him. I jumped at it. His name is Flange Krammer. And he is a German Skiing sensation. Who is very funny.

It is such a clever and polished act. I was so pleased that he agreed to come and perform for me. He even had me up on stage with him for part of the act. Which was great fun. He is a hugely talented and lovely man. And a fellow Spurs fan to.Which is never a bad thing. He was great. I really loved seeing him in action again.

Flange Krammer
Flange Krammer

Then it was time for a little more of me. Just a few thank you’s and a bit of general messing around. I really do enjoy being on stage and hosting stuff. It is something I really want to return to and do more of next year. The last act on the bill was a friend of mine. Who I met while I was working down in Yeovil at Ivel fm.

He was putting on a show at the brilliant Octagon Theatre in the town. And came in to have a chat and promote it. We got on well and I went and saw him in the show. Which was fantastic. And we have kept in touch ever since. When I planned to do this special birthday show. He was always my first choice to close it.

Neil Quigley and Elvis Presley hanging out in the 70's #crazydays
Neil Quigley and Elvis Presley hanging out in the 70’s #crazydays

He heralds from Wales. He finished second on the ITV Show New Faces beaten by Joe Pasquale on the night. Since then he has gone on to have such a successful career in the world of musical theatre, theatre and music. To give you an idea of just how good he is. He has starred as The Phantom of The Opera in London’s West End. Where he also played the lead role in Les Miserables. So it is very fair to say. He can sing and act a bit. In fact he has one of the best voices I have ever personally heard sing live. And my favourite fact about him. Is that he played one of the Italian soldiers in the TV comedy Allo Allo.

The singer in question is Mike Sterling. And I was so happy and honoured when he agreed to come along and sing at my special party. He very kindly did a sensational thirty minute set. Showing his versatility with some rhythm and blues, some swing and ballads. Plus of course he did the main songs from the two big musicals that he was in. Which were just breath taking. It was such a pleasure to stand there and watch him sing these amazing tunes so perfectly. I really enjoyed having him perform there. He blew the whole audience away. It was stunning.

Mike Sterling & Neil Quigley
Mike Sterling & Neil Quigley

Then I returned to the stage for one final time. To thank all of my guests and close the show the way that every variety show should end. I am a big fan of comedy, music and generally just having fun. For me Morecambe and Wise were the masters of just that. So therefore I ended Live at Neil Quigley’s 40th Birthday Party with a sing-a-long version of “Bring Me Sunshine” led by me and Mike Sterling.

Which I thought was a fitting way to end things. It was great to have everyone joining in to. Mike very generously said later that he was impressed that I was trying to sing harmonies with him. But I pointed out, that it was more likely just me singing out of time.

Neil Quigley TV Radio & Live
Neil Quigley TV, Radio & Live

I enjoyed the whole show immensely and really hope my friends and family that were there did to. I also had a disco. Which provided the music for the rest of the night. Thanks so much to James. Who was brilliant.

Not only for the disco but for also sound engineering the whole of the gig for us, so expertly. In the process definitely going above and beyond his duty. It all came together nicely. I spent the rest of the night chatting and dancing. And having an ace time. Seeing in my fortieth year on this planet in style.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

The next day I was feeling a little jaded. Possibly mainly due to the fact that there was an after show party back at my mate Jeff Nolan’s hotel room. So the night did not end for me until around two-thirty in the morning. Proving that I might be getting on but I am still rock and roll.

I did happily get to catch up with my oldest school friend and his wife over a lovely fry up. Which was really nice. Thanks to all my family and friends for coming to the do. And thanks for all the birthday wishes, cards and presents. I really do appreciate it. It was great to see everyone there.

Jeff Nolan & Neil Quigley
Jeff Nolan & Neil Quigley

Last Saturday I did manage to get a couple of pints of Pre-Christmas Guinness at my favourite bar in London “Waxy O’Connors.” I really do feel so at home in there. It is almost frightening. That was the first time this year, what with all the birthday celebrations. That I actually started to feel at least a little bit Christmassy.

They had a guitar based trio playing live. Who were really good. They started off with a cover of Shakin Stevens big Christmas song. Which they followed with a great version of George Ezra’s Budapest. It was a fun evening. In a place I can almost guarantee you, that I will be in on the seventeenth of March next year.

Waxy O'Connor's
Waxy O’Connor’s

I am pleased to say that I have completed all my Christmas Shopping. So there will be no last minute mad dashing around today from me this year. I followed the same tried and tested formula, as I do every year. I made a list of exactly what I was going to buy everybody. Decided on a day and a place to go. Then went there and did all my present shopping in a couple of hours. It is the only way to do it, I think.

Strangely it turns out that the singer Jamelia also does it like this. Which led to a brief Twitter exchange discussing this last weekend. Although she seems to suggest doing it this way is a man thing. While I made the point that it is an efficient and organised way of doing things. Either way it means I am sorted for my gifts this year. Keep Christmas simple. That is what I say.

Neil Quigley enjoying the festive Spirit
Neil Quigley enjoying the festive Spirit

Last Saturday night it was the final of this year’s Strictly Come Dancing. This series has almost been perfect with the celebrities and professionals all on top of their game. I have no idea how they are going to improve on this for next year. Especially as head judge Len Goodman will not be in his seat. Having left the show now. Surely Anton Du Beke must replace him. He really does seem to be the obvious choice, right? The entertainment value of this latest season was off the scale. And personally I do think the three best couples made it through to the final. They all fully deserved to be there on merit.

It was just going to come down to who could give the best performances on the night. As there was so little to choose between them. It was for me the tightest ever contest and a very tough one to call. But congratulations to Ore Oduba and Joanne Clifton on winning the Glitter Ball this year. I do think that their dances were the best on the night. So they are deserved winners.

You have to feel a little bit sorry for Kevin Clifton. That is the fourth year in a row that he has got to the final and not won. In fact since he joined he has always made every final. And to make this latest defeat a little bit more of a bitter pill to swallow. His younger sister Joanne has won the competition in only her second attempt. Having a younger sister myself. I appreciate how annoying that will be.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Now the dancers and the production team can have a well deserved rest. Before they start getting ready for next year’s offering. They have got their job cut out. As for a total Saturday Night entertainment show. This year it has been perfect. The right celebrities, amazing professional dance’s, fantastic guests, great band and live singers and much more besides.

I have thoroughly enjoyed watching it all. As it happens Joanne Clifton is the only one of the Strictly professionals that I follow on Twitter. So may be I had a feeling that she would triumph in the end.

Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas

I have got a fairly busy week coming up work-wise. The media world does not stop for Christmas. It very much keeps going. Although I have got most of Christmas Day off. So I will be able to have the traditional meal with the family.

Recently while at the BBC. I have been in a lift with Annie Mac. And a few days later with Huw Edwards. Plus Doctor Who himself Peter Capaldi walked past me the other day. Never a dull moment. And lots of fun to.

BBC Radio
BBC Radio

Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Happy Christmas! Cheers Neil.

Life Begins at 40 Right?

Hi there, how are you doing? I hope you have had a really nice couple of week’s. Mine have been quite busy with some fun things going on. December is very much a time for catching up with family and friends, I think. So I had a full day of doing exactly that last Saturday.

At lunchtime I went and met up with two of my best mates. For a long overdue catch up. Over some food and a few drinks. Everybody seems to have such busy live’s nowadays with so much going on. So as a result of that, this was actually the first time I think we had all been together for nearly a year.

We went to the Royal Saracens Head in Beaconsfield. When you are with good friends the conversation just flows constantly from the moment you get there. Filling each other in on recent developments, while also reminiscing about the past. Is there a better way of spending a Saturday afternoon than having a laugh with mates.

The food was great to. I had the pork belly, which was amazing. And for desert I had a dish called the Chocolate Bomb. The waitress bought it to the table. And it was just a big ball of chocolate. Then she pours on the special custard. And the chocolate explodes in the bowl. It looked spectacular and tasted so good. It was a brilliant few hours spent with that winning combination of great food and great company.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

I then went straight from my lunch meeting to my Uncle’s house for his annual pre-Christmas drinks. This is always a good fun event. It was lovely to catch up with lots of members of my family, all in one go. I do have quite a big family. So there were lots of us there. All having a nice chat and a good giggle. Another tradition that has developed at this event is a family sing song.

One of my cousin’s husband’s is a decent guitarist. So he now brings his axe. And we all get together in the kitchen to sing a few carols and Christmas songs together. I seem to remember that one year someone actually went and produced song sheets for everyone.

Then after the singing there is always some lovely food to enjoy. So everyone is always well fed and watered. Then as the party thinned out a little bit when people started to leave. We moved through to the living room to continue the fun. Now I do not know why but I always seem to be one of the last people to leave any party. And once again I was one of the last people to leave this one.

Another successful and fun festive get together with the family. This event almost signals the official start of Christmas for me. Luckily they are all fun people, so there is lots of joking around and laughing at these occasions. Which is right up my street.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Now as a child I did play a lot of football and have always been a massive fan of the game. Although I kind of stopped playing regularly when I was in my mid twenties. As I started to pick up more radio work at the weekends. Since then I have played the odd bit of five a side.

And seem to have almost averaged about one charity game of football a year. Each time I play in one. It does actually seem to get harder and harder every year. And although I do try to keep myself fit by going running and doing some weights. It is a different kind of fitness, that is required to play football.

Charity Football Match
Charity Football Match

The other week I played in my latest charity game. Which was organised by my mate Andy Holmes to raise money for Bucks Mind. My previous game was at Wembley Stadium. And I did think that may be I should make that my last game. As that would be quite a fitting place to bow out. But Andy is a good friend and I still do enjoy a game of football.

So therefore I agreed to play in it. It took place on the 3G pitch at the Aylesbury Academy. It was the first time that I had been there. It seems like the whole estate it was on had appeared from nowhere. Without wishing to show my age. And sound like an old man. I really do remember when it was all fields there.

Charity Football Match
Charity Football Match

It was very well organised. And we even had kits to wear. I was put on the red and black team and managed to get the number eight shirt. Which was the number Paul Gascoigne used to wear when he was at Tottenham. So it was a choice I was happy with. I think because I play so little and so rarely. I always seem to injure myself when I play now.

Normally I think this is because when I step out on to a football pitch in my head I am eighteen. So I race around everywhere but in reality I am not of course. So predictably within a minute of kick off I collided with a defender while running and went flying. Hurting my shoulder and giving myself a very impressive cut and friction burn from the pitch on my left knee.

Charity Football Match
Charity Football Match

I picked myself up and got on with the game like the hero I am. I was playing up front. Now when I was younger and was pretty good. I scored lots of goals in my teens and my twenties. But nowadays I still know what I want to do with the ball in my head. But my body is not quite as responsive as it used to be. Which I think led to me missing lots of chances. That I am pretty sure a younger me would have put away without thinking about them.

I did still produce a few moments of class to set up some goals. But sadly I could not get myself a goal. It was not for the want of trying I can assure you. My team won 8-6. But the real winner was the charity of course. As we raised over seven hundred pounds for them. It was good fun, despite the fact I was struggling to walk for two days after it.

Charity Football Match
Charity Football Match

So Tottenham Hotspur’s Champions League experience has not gone brilliantly. I went to two of the home games at Wembley. And saw us lose both of them. We are now out of the competition. Which I guess means we can concentrate on the league and possibly the FA Cup now. At least we had a nice win last weekend against Swansea. As we head towards the second half of what is our very last season at White Hart Lane.

I still plan to get to at least one game there. To say good bye to the old place. It is nice to see the manager getting our star players signed up on long contracts with Harry Kane and Jan Vertonghen. Both signing new deals this week. So the future looks bright and exciting, I think.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

It has been another great series of Strictly Come Dancing. The standard of the celebrities this year has been astonishing. Even the much maligned Ed Balls improved as a dancer and put in some really good performances. Which although were not technically perfect were very entertaining. I think it is very difficult to choose between the final four. They are all such good dancers. Who have all put in memorable performances. Danny Mac was brilliant from show one but has maintained these standards. Ore Oduba has steadily improved every week. And the two ladies Louise Redknapp and Claudia Fragapane have both just got better and better each week.

I think Louise might just edge it and get her hands on the Glitter Ball trophy. Mainly because of her partner Kevin Clifton. He has reached the final every year since he joined the show. So I think he is over due his win. Which could be made even sweeter by beating his sister Joanne. Who partners Ore. The bond and friendship that develops between the celebrities and their professional partners. Just makes the show so watchable and often very emotional. It is a great all round family entertainment show. Which is just perfect for Saturday Night’s.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Another television show that I really enjoy is I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here. I think Ant & Dec are brilliant on it. Linking it all together smoothly with lots of good jokes. And amusing set pieces normally at the expense of the camp mates. Who this year have all been really nice. It has been a good happy fun camp with lots of laughter and very few arguments. Which I have really liked.

I would much rather watch people getting on and enjoying each others company. Than people screaming and shouting at each other. I did not really have a favourite. They all seemed like they were nice people. I thought that may be Danny Baker would have lasted a little longer than he did in there. But I guess as you get the same money if you get voted out first or last. Then why not get out early and enjoy living it up in the six star Australian hotel. As opposed to sleeping on a camp bed and eating rice and beans for three weeks.

Neil Quigley with Christopher Biggins
Neil Quigley with Christopher Biggins

Well done to Scarlett Moffatt who was crowned the Queen of the Jungle this year. It just shows you how the world of reality TV has developed. As she is basically famous for watching TV. While being filmed for TV. You some times forget that the show has now been running since 2002. Scarlett made us all feel very old. When she revealed she used to watch it as a ten year old and dreamed of being on it. She seems like a nice girl and I wish her all the best for the future.

I think this might show how the programme’s demographic has changed over the years. When you think an established name like Tony Blackburn won the first series. And now the last two have been won by up and coming reality style stars. While it used to be the chance to revive the profile of existing performers. It is now may be more of a stepping stone for future celebrities and stars. Still I do enjoy it and it is a great fun show, whatever.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

So since we spoke last while I have been at work. I have been in a lift with Radio One’s Scott Mill’s. I have seen his former producer Beccy Huxtable in the office. I have also spotted in and around the building Pete Tong, Bradley Walsh and Julie Walters.

There is always so many cool people about New Broadcasting House. I also got to speak to the legend that is journalist Martin Bashir the other week. As he was doing a report in to one of the shows that I was working on.

BBC Radio
BBC Radio

So today it is actually my 40th Birthday. I am not quite sure how this has happened. And it seems to have come around very quickly. I do always make sure I do something to celebrate my birthday. And as it is a landmark one. I am throwing a big party tonight. Which I have organised and arranged all by myself.

Every party I have had has included some entertainment. And I have really pulled out all the stops for this one, this year. I will tell you all about, when I speak to you next. But needless to say I am really looking forward to it and it should be a lot of fun. I have no hang ups or issues about heading in to my forties. Age is just a number. I will carry on just, as I always have.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Cheers Neil.