All posts by Neil

Thoroughly Modern Me

Hi there, how are you doing? I hope you have had a really good couple of weeks. Mine have been fairly busy with some fun stuff going on. Now as I have mentioned before I am a big fan of Strictly Come Dancing. One of my current favourite dancer’s on the show is the brilliant Joanne Clifton. So when I discovered she was going to be starring in the new touring version of Thoroughly Modern Millie. And that it was coming to one of my local theatre’s. I decided that I had to get along to see it.

Therefore a couple of Tuesday’s ago I did just that at The Swan Theatre in High Wycombe. I have to confess that although I am a huge fan of musicals, it was not one that I had seen before. I did not even know what the story was about, which actually made a nice change. Seeing something that was completely new to me. I was genuinely surprised and absorbed by the plot.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Happily and conveniently for the show’s title I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. The whole cast were fantastic. The songs were great. It featured a live Orchestra, which always enhances any performance, I think. It is quite a high energy, fast moving show with a relatively small cast, so some of the actors have to play a couple of different parts. It is fair to say that everyone is working hard while on and also off stage. As ever, like with most musicals it has a story line that looks at perceptions, decisions and morals with an element of good versus evil. But there are a few clever twists in it, which I really liked.

Now we come on to the main reason I went in the first place. The gorgeous Joanne Clifton, who shines in the lead role and carries the whole show so effortlessly. She really has not taken the easy option here for her first big production. As this part requires her to do an American accent. Which she does perfectly. She seems to have an aura around her, which attracts your attention and means you cannot take your eyes off her. Which I believe demonstrates star quality.

It really is a stunning performance. She has a great voice and really belts out those big numbers. Her acting is believable. And there is of course no need to question her dancing, she is a world champion in that arena.

She is definitely going to go on to star in more musicals. And I would be amazed not to see her in the West End sometime soon. Right at the end, as the curtain was falling, after the play had finished. She and one of the other actors gave us a little bit of a classic jive to enjoy, which was ace. She was giving it her all right to the very last second. She seemed to be loving it and I must admit I loved watching it to.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

I also spent another night in High Wycombe recently checking out a new shop that has opened there. It is called the Brewery Shop. And it does what it says on the tin. It is a shop serving a huge selection of different beers from lots of various independent and local brewery’s.

It does also have a decent bar area with a huge selection of different guest craft ales on tap. So you can sit in there and try lots of different drinks. It seemed nice and friendly in there. Plus the selection of drinks they had was impressive. I tried a couple of them while I was there. I would imagine that I will be going back there again to sample some more of them at some point.


Saturday Night Take Away is back on television for another series. And once again I am really enjoying it. It is one of the maddest show’s of the year. With the two Geordie geniuses acting as ring masters to the huge Circus. I have said this before but they have cleverly taken all the best bits from every Saturday night entertainment programme that there has ever been. Put them all together and adapted them to their own unique style.

I went and watched a show live in the studio last year and that was brilliant. The atmosphere in that studio is electric. It is just like one big giant party. The ninety minutes go so quickly. It is fun seeing them get things ready and set things up  during the advert breaks. It is just plain old fashioned silly fun and very entertaining.

Saturday Night Takeaway
Saturday Night Takeaway

The two of them are in their element and are given a bit of freedom to ad-lib and create magic moments in this inclusive and live environment. Now while they are not comedians, the relationship and comedy timing that exists between them does at least slightly remind me of Morecambe and Wise. They certainly have that connection together and the ability to make the audience feel we are all in on the joke with them.

I like the new weekly serials that they have added over the last two years. They are both ridiculous and hilarious, full of silly and amusing jokes. And feature some great cameos with the lads very happy to send themselves up in them. Plus the end of the show show is of course always a winner. And in many ways the idea behind that, seems like another nod to the two comedy legends I mentioned earlier. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the series. It is simply fun, which is what the world needs more of in my opinion.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

The Nightly Show has now started on ITV1. I went to see the pilot version of it. At that time I felt it still needed a bit of work to get it right. And three weeks in I have to say I still think it does. It is the type of programme that the United Kingdom has been missing. They have been doing this kind of show very well in America for a very long time. Now I do really want it to work and for it to become a regular thing. But having watched a couple of episodes over the first few weeks. I think it is trying a bit too hard, it all seems a little too forced and they are trying to pack too much in, making it quite a difficult and awkward watch for me personally.

Although I appreciate it is not easy writing funny and topical material to order, every single night. But for me the opening monologue’s do need to be better. To set the tone, get the audience on side and give it that sense of the day. To make it unique and up to the minute. If you want to do a nightly topical show, it does need to be just that. Some of the guest choices have been a bit odd to. And I am not totally convinced the quick games with members of the public really add anything to it either.

I saw via social media that Danny Baker has offered his services to mould this show and build it up. Now love him or hate him. He has got form with this sort of thing from his past TV work. Which suggests he could may be give it the kick start that it needs. I do really want it to work and for it to be good. I hope they can tweak it and find the right vibe for it. That said the viewing figures for it are pretty good for a new show at that time, but I genuinely think it can be better.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Last Friday night I went with my dad to the Official Wycombe Wanderers Supporters Association Dinner at Adams Park. The home of the football team it assists. Both he and my mum are season ticket holders at the club. And members of the aforementioned organisation, as am I. It was a very pleasant evening including an enjoyable three course meal. That featured the best chocolate mousse dessert I have had for a while.

Since it was formed over twenty five years ago. It has donated over seventy-five thousand pounds to the club. It was good to see the manager Gareth Ainsworth there supporting the event. They auctioned off Myles Weston’s shirt from the FA Cup match against Tottenham Hotspur, which was signed by the whole squad. Plus there was a raffle in which I won a bottle of red wine, which topped off a very enjoyable evening, very nicely.

Wycombe V Barnet
Wycombe V Barnet

Talking of the mighty Tottenham Hotspur our season has been going through another quite decent spell. Well if you completely ignore crashing out of the Europa League that is. Certainly in the Premier League, things have been looking good with wins and good performances becoming the norm.

Still cannot see us getting past Cheslea though, I think they have the title sewn up already. The most exciting thing for me though is reaching the FA Cup Semi-Final. It has been far too long since we have been in one. Although we do now have to get past Chelsea in that to get to the final.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

My only ever trip to Old Trafford was to see us lose to Newcastle in a FA Cup Semi-final, several years ago now. I have always loved the competition and it has been to long since we have had a shot at the final of it. When you consider that we have not won it since 1991 and that was the last time that we were even in the final.

We must be due another appearance, I hope. If for no other reason than Chas N Dave can release a new Spurs song for the occasion. I can’t wait for the Semi-final it is going to be huge. And if we get to the final I will have to try and get a ticket for that somehow. Come on you Spurs.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Yesterday it was the seventeenth of March and therefore of course St Patrick’s Day. I do have a surname of Irish origin. My Granddad was born there. Plus I have been over to Dublin four times. So as far as I am concerned that qualifies me to be able to spend this very special day in a pub, having a few drinks. This year was no different. I went to my favourite pub in London.

Which just so happens to be an Irish Bar called Waxy O’Connor’s. Where I enjoyed a few pints of Guinness. The atmosphere in there is always top quality. To add to the flavour of the occasion they have music playing all day plus a traditional Irish Trio performing live a few times during the day to.

St Patrick's Day
St Patrick’s Day

Last year I won a competition on social media for my photos of the event. That prize pack included T-shirts from the place, which I really like. I was tempted to wear one of them this year but then I realised that I would look like the staff and end up having to serve people pints or tell them where the toilets were all day.

It was brilliant fun as ever and made even more entertaining by the fact they showed the Cheltenham Gold Cup live on the big screen. For a second during the race it almost felt like I was there. I always enjoy this day, every year.  It was lots of fun celebrating with a great group of people.

St Patrick's Day
St Patrick’s Day

I am looking forward to next weekend visiting and exploring somewhere that I have never been before. For my fortieth birthday some friends of mine got together and got me a travel voucher as a present. So I have used that to enjoy a weekend away in Barcelona.

I have never been to main land Spain before, so I am very excited. I have heard great things about the place from friends who have been before. I will tell you all about it and let you know what I got up to next time we speak.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Cheers Neil.

Healthy Fun

Hi there, how are you doing? I hope you have had a really nice couple of weeks. Mine have been very busy with lots of fun things going on. When London hosted the 2012 Olympics the only event I managed to get tickets for was the Beach Volley Ball. Don’t judge me. Weirdly this took place at Horse Guards Parade in Central London.

So I had never been out to Stratford or the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. I finally put this right recently when I went on a tour of the London Stadium, which is of course the venue that was specially built for the athletics at the games. And the arena that hosted those iconic opening and closing ceremonies. It is now the home of West Ham United.

The London Stadium
The London Stadium

Before I went to the stadium I had a little look around the park itself first. I found the Aquatics centre. Where all the swimming and diving took place. Then I strolled down to the Leo Valley Velo Park, where all the big cycling moments happened. Away from sporting arena’s there is also a traditional English Garden, which contains a brilliant Sun Dial. If you stand roughly where your birthday is on it, your shadow will point to the right time. How that works I have no idea. I tried it, to prove it was impossible but it was spot on when I did it.

They also have the winning distance jumped by Greg Rutherford marked out on the tarmac. When you are standing next to it, you cannot believe that anyone could  leap that far. It looks like an impossible distance. I got tired just walking it.

The London Stadium
The London Stadium

I then headed in to the stadium. It has had a bit of a West Ham United makeover. And there is now claret and blue everywhere including lots of the seats. The roof has been replaced to cover all of the seats but they have kept the original floodlights in the new design. The seats can be moved closer to the pitch for the football. Then moved back to reveal the running track for when there is Athletics. It is also set up to be able to host concerts.

The seating areas are nice. Fantastic views with no obstructions and the seats are very comfy to. The dressing rooms are well designed and practical. There is still the actual warm up track that the athletes used in 2012 there. I had a sprint down it. And I also had my picture taken on a podium wearing a gold medal.

The London Stadium
The London Stadium

On the tour you also get to walk out the tunnel and get a managers view of the action from the dug out. I sat in the away side pretending that I was Mauricio Pochettino. Then you see the interview rooms where all the various media outlets speak to the managers after the game. I really enjoyed the tour. You go round by yourself at your own pace.

You are given an audio and video guide to use. Which gives you lots of facts about the stadium, its history and of course everything about the team that now play there West Ham United. It felt really good to be at the stadium where so many amazing achievements took place during the Olympics. May be I will get along to see Spurs play there one day.

The London Stadium
The London Stadium

I recently spent another Monday Night at the brilliant Old Rope Comedy. It is a new material night run by the fantastic Tiff Stevenson, where great comedians come to test out new jokes. The line-up is always excellent. It takes place every Monday at the Phoenix Pub, which is just off Regent Street in London. It is actually a decent pub in its own right. It is on in their down stairs area and you can buy tickets in advance for it. Which is what I would advise doing, as it is very popular.

As you go in Tiff’s dad is on the door to check your tickets and show you to your seats. Then she always kicks things off and hosts the night herself. On stage there is a noose hanging, and the twist is. If any comic does a joke they have done before they are meant to hold the rope. To symbolise money for old rope, material they know works and will get a laugh.

To give you an idea of the calibre of comedians who regularly appear there. The bill for my last visit included Tom Ward, Sara Pascoe and Joe Wilkinson. All of whom were of course top quality. Even though it is new things that they are trying out for the first time, the standard is high. If a particular gag may be does not work out quite as well as they hoped. They normally have a laugh about that to. So it feels very inclusive.

The audience are there to have a good time and to be nice and supportive. The last act of the night is always allowed to do their normal tried and tested routine to finish the night off. It is always good fun. And I will be going again soon, I hope.

Old Rope Comedy
Old Rope Comedy

So when I turned forty. My doctors sent me an invitation for a free health check-up. Which I decided made sense to do. So I signed up for it. A few weeks ago I had the first part. During which they weighed me and measured my height, which left me feeling slightly disappointed. As I honestly always thought I was five foot ten inches. And they said that I was five foot nine inches. So either I have been accidentally lying about my height for over twenty years. Or I have shrunk by an inch. They also took some blood to check my cholesterol levels. Just a very small amount not half an arm full thankfully.

The other day I went back to the doctors for part two, the results. Think of it as the Saturday Night then Sunday Night episodes of Strictly Come Dancing. So firstly they look at the height, weight, BMI and general health information. Now bearing in mind there is hardly an ounce of fat on me. According to the way they work out the figures and as the system does not take into account muscle mass. Technically from the information the computer was giving her. She was advised to suggest that to be the correct weight for my height. I should lose a kilogram. My response was simply really from where?

Then next it was the results from the blood test. Well the good news is that my cholesterol is within the recommended and safe acceptable level, putting me in the lowest ten percent of people in the country at risk of heart disease. The bad news is and I did not know this was even a thing but I have too much of the wrong kind of cholesterol. There are good and bad types apparently. Who knew? Basically I need to eat less crisps, chocolates and cheese. Three things that I love! And eat more nuts, avocado and oily fish. So far I will be honest this adjustment has not happened at all. But I kind of figure that as I am in the lowest risk group anyway. I can probably just get away with making just a few subtle changes anyway.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Last Friday I took my parents to see The One Show at Broadcasting House in London. It is live and on just before seven on weekdays. I had been to the studio to see it before but it was new for my parents. And it was the first time that my dad had ever been to a television show. It is always good seeing things at the BBC.

Before the show we met up in the Media Cafe, which overlooks the news room. So you can see the journalists working hard. That is the area that you see being shown at the start of the BBC news. The One Show we saw was presented by the Hairy Bikers. The guests on it were Ricky Gervais and Rag & Bone Man.

About ten minutes before the programme starts. We get shown in to the studio. The Hairy Bikers are already there just doing some last minute rehearsals. Then a couple of minutes before it goes live Ricky Gervais comes and sits down on the sofa. And Rag & Bone Man takes his place in the performance area.

As it is two television cooks who are hosting it. We have already been told we will get some food. So just before the show starts we are all handed some slices of a very nice carrot cake. In fact right at the top of the show you can see me in shot with Rag & Bone Man, eating my cake.

The One Show
The One Show

It was great fun, Ricky was on top form and we got a bonus brief appearance from Anita Rani. Then at the end Rag and Bone Man performs his new single with me standing about ten feet away from him. He is brilliant and really deserves his recent success and Brit Awards. He is such a cool, relaxed and normal bloke to.

At the end of the show we all got a group picture with the Geordie Chef’s. Then on our way out we all got given a Patte’ in a bun, like the one Ricky tried on the show. It was a good night watching some live television. It was fun to see my parents witnessing it for the first time. It is always a laugh. And actually very laid back and relaxed for a live show.

The One Show
The One Show

My good mate Jeff Nolan has recently launched a brand new Podcast. He is having a very early mid-life crisis, although he is practically four years away from being forty.He is starting to panic about it. His new series is called “Chasing 40”. It features him and his friend Bec, trying to work out how they fit in to this ever changing world with this landmark birthday hanging over both of them. They have both worked in the radio industry for many years.  So it also includes a lot of behind the scenes stories from their careers to.

So far they are up to episode two. I make a very brief cameo appearance in the latest podcast.  After Jeff heard something in my podcast that he didn’t know about me. I think there is a reasonable chance that I could be making some future guest slots in this programme. I am going up to see him for the Grand National Weekend, which is now a big annual event for me. I am really looking forward to it. So while I am there. I am going to try and gate crash one of their recording sessions.

Neil Quigley & Jeff Nolan
Neil Quigley & Jeff Nolan

Here is a link to the current episode of “Chasing 40”. (The one that features me)

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

For the first time in years I did not manage to watch the whole of the Brit Awards. I saw Little Mix open the show and they were great. Dermot O’Learly and Emma Willis did a safe job hosting it. And one of Katy Perry’s dancers dressed as a house fell off the stage.

It is not as rock and roll as it used to be is it? And once again One Direction won the public vote for best video. Their fan base is amazingly loyal. Right, if you missed it, you are basically up to date. Although I only actually saw the first thirty minutes myself.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

I am still spending a fair amount of my time working for the BBC in London. The other weekend I found myself working with the legend that is Kate Adie. On her Radio 4 show From Our Own Correspondent. That was a great experience and lovely to meet her. Her career has been exceptional and if you look at where she has reported from and the huge stories that she has broken over the years. It is extremely impressive.

Recently I have once again found myself in a lift with Scott Mills and walked past Andrew Marr in the Canteen.

BBC Studio
BBC Studio

Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Cheers Neil.

A Right Old Laugh

Hi there, how are you doing? I hope you have had a really good couple of week’s. Mine have been very busy with lots of fun things going on. My run of recent trips to see TV programme’s being filmed continued. This time an episode for the new series of the DAVE comedy computer games show  “Go 8 Bit” at the Elstree Studios.

It is presented by Dara O’Briain. He is joined by team captain’s Steve McNeil and Sam Pamphilon. Who came up with the idea for the Edinburgh Festival, a couple of years ago. Plus comedian and former computer games journalist Ellie Gibson. Who acts as the oracle for all the games. And as co-commentator with Dara for all the high octane action.

Dara O'Briain
Dara O’Briain at Tring picture courtesy of Adam Hollier Photography

Steve was joined by comedian Russell Kane and Sam’s team mate was the comedian Lolly Adefope. The teams go head to head in a wide range of new and classic computer games. One of which was Lemmings. I had completely forgotten about it but I loved the game as a kid. I am not sure if it was just the way they were playing it. But it certainly looked a lot harder than I remembered.

For the final challenge they played a new virtual reality game. Where you work in a burger bar. And have to make and serve burgers. It sounds rubbish but it actually looked like fun. And it also proved to be pretty difficult. Who knew? The new series will be shown later this year, so keep an eye out for it.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

The other weekend I went to Cheshire to see one of my oldest friends and his family. The purpose of my visit was to celebrate his wife’s fortieth birthday. I got there on the Friday evening. He has a two year old daughter. Who insisted on showing me all of her toys. Then on us reading some books together. While watching the Shaun The Sheep Movie.

For those of you who may have not seen it. I can recommend it, it is very amusing. She is a big fan. I think I must have seen it at least three times while I was there. After the little one had gone to bed. We had a few beers. And watched one of the grown up’s DVD’s.  The latest one from the ace Sarah Millican. Which was hilarious. Very clever and simply laugh out loud funny.

Saturday was the party day. In the morning we went for a walk in a local park. While there, none other than the mother of One Direction’s Harry Style’s walked past us. When we got back to their house. We were all blowing up inflatable guitars and microphones. Plus lots of helium balloons. Which was actually much harder work than it sounds. And we had pumps.

We had about an hour to get the venue ready before the guest’s arrived. Which we did. Strangely they had a few electricity issues and the lights in the toilets were not working. So they had put lots of candles in there. Which actually gave them a very romantic and seductive feel. Which was odd but weirdly relaxing.

Neil Quigley TV Radio & Live
Neil Quigley TV, Radio & Live

The party itself was fantastic. I had a few drinks and some tasty food. Including the birthday cake that my mate had baked and decorated himself. It looked and tasted amazing. I had a dance with the Birthday girl. Then thanks to the aforementioned inflatable instruments. Me and my friend recreated the glory of a live Gun’s N Roses stage show. With Slash and Axl Rose during Sweet Child O’ Mine. He was on the guitar. I had the mic.

Thankfully as far as I am aware there is no video evidence of this incident. The next day along with her parents. We all went out for a slap up Chinese Meal. Which was a fitting end to the weekend.

I recently made my first visit to the Comedy Store in London for about eighteen years. I was not purposely avoiding the place. I had just not got round to going back. But I did put that right a couple of Monday’s ago. I went to a Gala Comedy Night in aid of a children’s charity. It was fronted by Tim Vine. Who was great with his quick fire jokes and silly visual gags. Plus I got to see pen behind the ear live.

Also performing we had Tom Lucy, who has recently been supporting Shappi Khorsandi. Elliot Steel, who is the son of Mark Steel. Charlie Baker who is a top comedian and an excellent singer, who has appeared in a few musicals. Angela Barnes who is of course the current host of Newsjack on Radio 4 Extra. And the headline act Adam Hills. They were all on top form. It was a very funny night. And I will definitely not leave it so long until I return there again.

Comedy Store
Comedy Store

I do like a trip to the theatre to see a musical. This show had been on my radar since it opened. So I was very happy the other week. When I managed to get a ticket to see the new version of Half A Sixpence at the Noel Coward Theatre in London’s West End.

I was familiar with the film version that starred Tommy Steele in the lead role. A role he also played on stage. And one that he very much made his own. So I knew the songs and the story line already.I did however absolutely love this latest version. The cast were all fantastic.

Half A Sixpence
Half A Sixpence

The three lead females are all quality performers with amazing voices. And for me they nearly stole the show. But the man who had the biggest shoe’s to fill by taking on the part of Arthur Kipps was Charlie Stemp. And he does not disappoint. He totally makes it his own. But at the same time possibly due to the time and geographical area that it is set in (which remains the same.) There is, I felt at least a nod to the original star in his performance.

I thoroughly enjoyed the show. I would recommend you go and see it. As always with classics, the stories and dilemmas the characters face are still relevant today. Plus there are some great show stopping songs in it. Another successful night at the theatre. Which left me dancing and singing on the way home.

Half A Sixpence
Half A Sixpence

Last Wednesday I went to a specially refurbished theatre in the Holborn area of London. To witness a run through of a new entertainment show. That ITV are currently in the process of developing called The Nightly Show. It is due to start at the end of this month. It will be on five days a week at ten o’clock at night. For around a month at first.

It will be presented by a different presenter each week. The plan is for it to feature up to date topical jokes, some great guests and some fun games. So they are doing some practice shows to get used to the theatre. And to work out exactly what they will or will not be able to achieve in thirty minutes of fast paced television.

On the version I watched. They had a very experienced presenter in Eamonn Holmes. It was filmed as an actual show would be. Before it started he came out and explained what would be happening. The first part was the opening monologue. Then the guests were Right Said Fred and  Saira Khan.

The interviews were pretty straight forward with slight little twists. For example during the pop stars’ chat. They played a quick game with some audience members. And the last part of the Loose Women’s bit saw her and Eamonn being fed special love food ready for Valentines Day. Which basically involved the Irishman having a few Oysters and Saira having a chocolate banana.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

The most interesting thing for me was Eamonn discussing things with the director. Asking them how much time he had for each item. Advising what he thought was working or not. And making some suggestions of things they might like to look at. It was kind of like, say a Formula One racing driver test driving a new car and giving the mechanics feedback. To make it smoother and better.

It gave a nice insight in to things that need to be considered. For it all to work for the programme and the presenter. It was still early days. But they have got quite a bit to iron out before it all starts, I feel. It was interesting to be a part of. I cannot wait to see what the actual show will look like. When it goes out. Another fun evening spent in the world of television.

Sarah Parish started the Neil Quigley Fan Club

Last weekend I visited a town in Somerset. Where I spent five and an half years working and living. I went to Yeovil to catch up with some old friends and to see how much it has changed since I was last there. I moved down there in 2004 to work for the radio station Ivel fm. Which later became Midwest Radio.

I then left there in February 2010. In fact randomly last weekend was the seventh year anniversary of my leaving and returning to Buckinghamshire. Much of the town still looks the same.  As I took the taxi from the train station to the hotel. I felt quite at home there.

I visited the road where I used to live. And had a look at my flat from the outside. I actually lived about five minutes walk from the radio station. In a little Cul-De-Sac called Ivel Court. So yes that is correct. I was living there when I was working at Ivel fm. So I was certainly very much on brand when I was there.

Ivel Court
Ivel Court

On the Friday Night I went to a few pubs I used to drink in first. Then met my former boss Steve Carpenter and ex colleague Chris Criddle for a Curry in the Viceroy Indian Restaurant. Somewhere that was just around the corner from my flat and where I used to go regularly.

The food and service was as ever excellent. And the company to was delightful. I had a great night catching up on the current and talking about the past. It was great to see them both.

On the Saturday morning I met up with another mate for a cup of tea and a nice chat. Then in the afternoon I went and saw Yeovil Town play. In the past I have reported and commentated on a lot of their big games. Including a match that saw them win the league at home and a trip to Wembley Stadium for a play off final.

I also went to loads of press conferences. And regularly spoke to the manager and the players. I went to the game with the former Yeovil Town, Bristol Rovers and Hereford United player Tony Pounder and the former Yeovil Town and Torquay United defender Paul Thorpe.

Yeovil Town FC
Yeovil Town FC

It was great to catch up with them. They are top blokes. Who have loads of brilliant stories from their playing days. The Glovers were playing Leyton Orient. Both teams were pretty equally matched. So an one all draw was probably a fair result.

I mentioned I used to know the players when I was working down there. So I did find it a little odd seeing two players I knew from that time Darren Way and Terry Skiverton in the dug out as the current management team. Despite Yeovil Town not being able to hold on for the win. It was a very enjoyable afternoon at a lovely club with some brilliant company.

Yeovil Town FC
Yeovil Town FC

That night I met up with a few people in the establishment. That was actually below the Ivel fm studios. It was the place where we held the station’s first birthday party. And somewhere I used to DJ and spend a lot of my free time.

I also was a judge and host for lots of different talent competitions held there. The place was the Chicago Rock Cafe. Since I moved away it has had a few refits and changed its name several times. But it has reverted back to its original title again. It felt a little strange being back in there. And bought back lots of great memories.

Chicago Rock Cafe
Chicago Rock Cafe

Before returning home on the Sunday I met up with another former work friend of mine and her husband in one of the town’s coffee shops. It was lovely to see them both. We had a good chat about old times and some exciting plans for the future.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable weekend. In a place where I have so far spent an eighth of my life. I am glad I ventured down there. To coin an old radio station strap line Good times, Great Music.

Neil Quigley

Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Cheers Neil.

Les Good Times

Hi there, how are you doing? I hope you have had a really nice couple of week’s. Mine have been very busy with lots of fun things going on. The other Saturday to mark my Mum and Dad’s latest Wedding Anniversary.

We went on a family trip to the theatre in London. To see the matinee of the long running musical Les Miserables. We had brilliant seats. In the royal circle, no less. I had not seen it previously but just before it started my sister gave me a quick run through of the basic plot and we were away.

Les Miserables
Les Miserables

I thoroughly enjoyed the show. It is fair to say it is pretty emotional and heavy going. I mean the title itself does suggest that it is not exactly going to be a barrel of laughs from start to finish. The cast were sensational and fully deserved their standing ovation at the end. The songs are very powerful and meaningful.

A lot of the messages of the story are more appropriate than ever after recent world events. Which may explain how it keeps finding a new big audience year after year. If you have not cried at some point during it, you are not human.

The whole experience was made even better by the lovely glass of red wine I had during the interval. Well done to the Queen’s Theatre on this. As this is not always the case. When it comes to beverages in the West End. After the show had finished and we had all dried our eyes.

We continued the regal theme by heading round the corner to have a nice meal at the Queen’s Head. The steps up to the restaurant area there, were actually made in the town where I live Princes Risborough. It had that information written on them. Which weirdly made us feel very at home there.

Les Miserables
Les Miserables

I went to a fascinating recording of a new Radio 4 Extra short series called “The Comedy Controller”. It was part of a three programme special. Each one has a different era of comedy that they are focusing on. It features former and current comedy producers. Talking about great old show’s and their own experiences with making these show’s. And also trying to sell them to America.

The panel were Paul Jackson, John Lloyd, Jimmy Mulville and the excellent Beryl Virtue. These people have been involved in some of the greatest comedy programmes of all time including Steptoe and Son, Coupling, Blackadder, Spitting Image, The Young Ones and Whose Line Is It Anyway, to mention just a few.

During this event at the BBC Radio Theatre. Which focused on the sixties and seventies, as well as satire. They played some legendary bits of comedy for us to enjoy. The esteemed panel then discussed these show’s and performer’s from this period. Best bit for me was them telling stories about things that happened. While they were working on their various programmes. And they all had some great anecdote’s about trying to pitch English comedies to the American television executives.

As a huge comedy fan. I found it both entertaining and educational. To hear all these behind the scenes stories. All told in such an amusing way themselves. It was a real feel good evening. Sitting there and reminiscing.

BBC Radio Theatre
BBC Radio Theatre

The current series of the excellent Radio 4 Extra weekly satirical comedy show Newsjack is now under way. The first two programmes have now been broadcast. They have both been exceptionally funny. Although I think it is fair to say that there is a lot of good subject matter around at the moment. I was at the recording of the first one at the historic BBC Radio Theatre.

It was Angela Barnes’s debut as host. And personally I thought she was totally brilliant. She made it her own right from the start. Plus the supporting cast set the bar very high. As they were all brill. Showing such versatility and skill with the many recognisable impressions that they were required to do.

I have been submitting material once again for this programme. I missed out on getting any of my jokes in the first episode that I was at. Which was a shame. As it would have been nice to gauge the audience’s instant reaction. But the first one was so funny with so much clever stuff in there from all the other very talented writers. I really did not mind. I am as ever hopeful that I will sneak something of mine in there before this latest run is over.

I never tire of watching things at the radio theatre. It is such a lovely venue. I would really like to see one of the big music names do one of their small and intimate shows there. As they do for Radio 2 from time to time. I suspect that would be amazing.

On the way to BBC New Broadcasting House
On the way to BBC New Broadcasting House

Last Saturday I experienced the magic of the FA Cup at White Hart Lane. When the team I support Tottenham Hostpur. Took on the team my parents support. And the team I used to watch regularly when I was a teenager. I went with my mum to the game. She is a Wycombe Wanderers season ticket holder. So she got me my ticket for the match. Which meant we were in the away end with the Chair Boys fans.

We travelled to the game on one of the sixteen supporters coaches laid on. Fair play to Buckinghamshire as a whole. They really got behind the team and made a great effort. The fans looked stunning in the light and dark blue colours. And they made plenty of noise for the team.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

The coach journey was comfortable, smooth and they even served hot drinks to buy on the way there and the way back. It was all very civilised. We got to the ground just after one o’clock. And the coach handily dropped us right outside a burger van. Which fulfilled our food requirements.

After soaking up the atmosphere outside for a bit. We met up with my Uncle and Cousin and made our way in to the stadium. We grabbed a pre-match beer to calm the nerves. As the place filled up with lots of very excited Wanderer’s supporters. We then headed out to take our seats and watch the players warm up.

Spurs v Wycombe
Spurs v Wycombe

The game itself was an emotional roller coaster. With me wanting Wycombe Wanderers to do really well but Spurs to actually win and go through. So when Wycombe were two nil up after the first twenty-five minutes. I was feeling some mixed emotions. Really pleased for Wycombe, while at the same time thinking my team were about to crash out of the cup. That was the half time score line.

In the second half Tottenham pulled it back to two all. And I was starting to think they could go on to win it. Then having already made our three substitution’s Kieran Trippier had to go off injured. Leaving us down to ten men. Not long after this from out of nowhere Wycombe go three-two up with a great header. Now I am really worried.

Fortunately a minute or so later Dele Alli equalises. I am thinking that it will be a draw with a replay back at Adams Park. So a good day for Wycombe. They get a lucrative second game. Which Tottenham could still progress from. Then from out of nowhere late in to injury time Spurs grab a winner.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

I instantly see the Blue’s manager Gareth Ainsworth. Who had been kicking every ball drop to his knees and start beating the ground out of frustration. He had been so close to pulling off a big shock. And had just experienced that rug being pulled from under his feet right at the very death.

Wycombe Wanderers were a credit to him, the town and their fans. They were immense and gave a Premier League side a good run for their money. In fact I will happily admit that it was down purely to luck in the end. That my team progressed. Well done to Wycombe Wanderer’s and everyone involved with the club.

Spurs v Wycombe
Spurs v Wycombe

My friend Andy Holmes is soon to become the Political Reporter for BBC Three Counties Radio. I mean what a time to be covering this particular area of expertise. It will keep him busy. He decided he wanted to take a look round the area, he would be covering. So I said that I would go along with him to keep him company on the drive around Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire.

Just think of it as a low budget remake of The Trip with Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon. Without the exotic location’s, six star restaurants and Michael Caine impressions. It was a nice way of catching up with a mate.

Plus very useful for him to find his way around. And get a feel of how the landscape of these places sits. For me it was a reminder of how lucky I am to live around here. With all the interesting villages and beautiful countryside. It was a fun day. I wish him all the best in his new role.

Neil Quigley & Andy Holmes
Neil Quigley & Andy Holmes

I went along to the Elstree Studios to see a recording of the E4 show Virtually Famous. It is hosted by the very funny Chris Ramsey. I saw him do some stand up at the Limelight Theatre in Aylesbury about five years ago and he was brilliant. The two team captain’s are Sean Walsh. Who I also have seen perform live in Tring.

And Vicky Pattison, who for a stunning looking lady sure likes her chocolate’s and crisp’s. She was snacking on them during proceedings. They were both excellent and very amusing. The other guests were Binky Felstead, Dane Baptiste, Joel Dommett and one of my favourite comedian’s Jimmy Carr.

It was a very entertaining and funny afternoon. Everybody playing their part in that but for me Jimmy Carr, as ever stole the show. Always razor sharp and totally on the ball. Happy to go to where ever he needs to for a laugh, no taboo subjects. He will just say it if he thinks it’s funny.

Joel takes a bit of stick regarding an online incident that he was involved in. If you do not know what I am talking about just google him. So another fun afternoon in a television studio. Watching the magic happen. Nice to see Andy Collins there on warm up duties to. That place is like his second home.

Elstree Studios
Elstree Studios

I also went to the famous Pinewood Studios to see a couple of episodes of the quiz show Debatable being filmed. It is presented by Patrick Kielty. Who is always good fun. It is made in a cosy little studio with a small and intimate audience. Taking their place on the celebrity panel, when I was there. We had Rick Edwards, Jonathan Edwards and Ann Widdecombe. Ann was lovely, very friendly and happy to chat to anyone. I am a fan of quizzes. It was good fun to play along in my head with the contestants, while there in the studio.

I also cannot fault the hospitality with a nice cup of tea and some biscuits supplied during the break between the two shows. It was Patrick Kielty’s birthday. So we did very briefly sing to him as a treat. You will probably be quite surprised about this. But I believe that he was planning on going out for a few celebratory drinks. He also had a further six shows to film the day after. So I hope they all went well for him.

Neil Quigley Presenter
Neil Quigley Presenter

I am up north this weekend to attend my friend’s wife’s 40th Birthday Party. Which I am really looking forward to. It will be nice to attend one, that is not mine and that I have not had the stress of organising. So that will be a lot of fun. And a great chance to catch up with them and their family.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Cheers Neil.

The Present Times

Hi there, how are you doing? I hope you have had a good start to the year and a really nice couple of week’s. Mine have been quite busy with some fun things going on. I celebrated my fortieth in December and held a big party. Although I said on the invitations. That I did not want any presents. People were so nice and generous. That they still got me some gift’s anyway. Which was really lovely of them. I did get given quite a bit of money. So I decided to do some much needed clothes shopping. I am not a man who tends to update his wardrobe often. So this task was possibly well overdue.

When it comes to clothes. I am really not a high fashion expert. Or somebody who is particularly bothered about designer names. Although I do own an Armani Suit. That I bought about fifteen years ago now. I tend to buy all my stuff from just one particular store. As in there, I have found the sizes that I am, actually correspond with the sizes of the clothes they sell. And they fit me perfectly, specially their jeans. The shop in question is Next. So if you do see me on a red carpet somewhere. The answer to the question “who are you wearing” will most probably be Next.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Being a man who always likes to get more from his money and loves a “bargain”. I knew from my time working at Wembley Stadium. That there is a Next Outlet store there. So that is where I went fully armed with my Birthday cash. It was a pretty successful trip. I picked up a pair of jeans, two shirts, a jumper, and a pair of shoes. They do not have changing rooms there. So you can’t try anything on. But as I know and trust all the size labels there. All the items fitted me perfectly. The whole thing took less than twenty minutes. Result!

Also many of my family and friends clubbed together and very generously gave me lots of Amazon vouchers as a gift. It all added up to quite a decent amount. There was not one big thing in particular that I actually wanted or needed. So I decided to browse the website and have a think about what I might actually need or like. I ended up making a list of about ten different things. And randomly the overall price of these. Actually came to about the value of my vouchers. Which as ever with my life was more by luck than judgement.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Here is a selection of some of the presents I bought myself. I got a new tripod for my phone. So I can do some more filming with it. Which you should expect to see some of the benefits of in the coming months, I hope. I also got a new razor set. Which the makers claim gives the perfect shave. I am not totally convinced yet. As I am still trying to work out how to fit the blades correctly.

I got a new microphone for my home studio. A set of hair clippers. Just in case I am ever brave enough to have a go at doing my own hair. And lastly despite saying I would never ever get one, let alone ever wear one. I bought myself a Union Jack Onesie. Which was meant to be for a laugh. But when I tried it on. It was actually really comfortable. And I am now just secretly waiting for the chance to wear it.

South Bank London
South Bank London

I was out in London the other week enjoying a meal with a former radio colleague of mine. His name is Robbie Lane. I met him when we were both at Ivel fm in Yeovil. He is now living in Lincolnshire. But he was in the Capital for a few days, so we managed to meet up. He is originally from the Isle of Wight. And as a sideline. He runs a very successful website promoting it. I am working on getting a cheap holiday there. But I have not quite done that yet.

We went to a nice restaurant in the Hays Galleria. Which is not far from London Bridge. It is right by the river and over looks where HMS Belfast is situated. I had a nice three course meal. And a good catch up with an old friend. So I would put that down as a decent evening.

HMS Belfast
HMS Belfast

I am now about half way through the Bruce Springsteen autobiography “Born to Run” that I am currently reading. So far it is brilliant. Firstly it is very well and cleverly written. And secondly it is fascinating. He latched on to the power of music very early in his life. He was inspired by iconic big events on American television.

Like Elvis Presley’s first TV appearance. And the first time the Beatles appeared on screen in the US. It made him want to pick up a guitar and make his own music. Completely self taught through hours and hours of dedication and practice as a teenager. To this day he cannot read music. But he sure knows how to play those notes and cords on his guitar.

Neil Quigley and Elvis Presley hanging out in the 70's #crazydays
Neil Quigley and Elvis Presley hanging out in the 70’s #crazydays

I can certainly tell you he paid his dues. Before he became a success. He put the work in. He gigged constantly with a few different bands. And lived on the breadline for about eight years. Before he got his first recording deal. It is also brilliant to hear how he kind of almost accidentally, slowly over the space of several year’s bumped in to members of the E-Street band. And ended up working with them.

He does seem to be a man with a clear vision of what he wanted to do. The band members he chose were carefully selected to achieve this goal. He started off as shy guitarist before his confidence grew developing in to the front man and show man that we know today.

Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen

I saw Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band play at Hyde Park around five year’s ago now. For the encore that night Sir Paul McCartney came out and they performed two Beatles classics. “I Saw Her Standing There” and “Twist and Shout”. Now I could tell at the time that Bruce was pleased and excited to have Paul on stage, playing with him and the band.

What I did not realise was that the first song “The Boss” ever learned on the guitar. And the first song he ever sang in public with his first band was “Twist and Shout”. So I can now see why that song. And getting the chance to do it with an actual “Beatle” meant so much to him. It was amazing to be there and witness it. It was totally brilliant!

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

The topical Radio 4 Extra comedy show Newsjack is back for a new series this coming Thursday night. There has been a change of host once again for this year. Nish Kumar has now left and has been replaced by Angela Barnes.

I find that when they make this switch. Which they tend to do every few years. It does seem to re-invent the programme. As a new comedian brings their own style and puts their own stamp on proceedings. I am once again looking forward to writing some jokes for the show.

BBC Radio Theatre
BBC Radio Theatre

I was invited to a writer’s briefing with the producers and the new presenter. Unfortunately I was unable to make it. But they have sent me all the details for the new series. And it sounds fantastic. I am going along to see the first show being recorded this week.

I am hoping I will be able to see the cast perform some of my material. I will of course let you know, if they do. It will be on Radio 4 Extra for the next six week’s. Every Thursday night at 10.30pm. If you are a fan of satirical comedy. It is definitely worth a listen.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

It has been another good couple of weeks to be a Tottenham Hotspur fan. We are now second in Premier League. Harry Kane scored a hat-trick in our last game. And we managed to get past Aston Villa in the FA Cup. So I am very happy with how the football season is going at the moment. Talking of the FA Cup. The fourth round draw has thrown up an interesting game.

With the team I support facing the team that I used to watch as a teenager. In fact my parents are season ticket holders. Who go home and away watching the Buckinghamshire club. Next Saturday Wycombe Wanderers travel to White Hart Lane to play the mighty Spurs.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

The first Wycombe Wanderers game I went to was a friendly against a Tottenham Hotspur eleven. At the Chair Boy’s old ground Loakes Park. Spurs brought along a strong side. And Paul Walsh scored a brilliant hat-trick.

Next Saturday I am going to see the return fixture, at last. As they compete for the right to progress in England’s premier club cup competition.

Neil Quigley with FA Cup
Neil Quigley with FA Cup

I am going to the big game with my Mum. She will be cheering on Wycombe and I will of course be supporting my team. So it could be an interesting and quiet journey home for one of us.

I would like the Wycombe players to enjoy the day and play well. But ultimately get beaten. So the Spurs can go marching on to Wembley.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Despite the fact there does seem to be a lot of very angry and ill-informed people on social media. I am still a big fan and user of Twitter. Personally I use it to follow people I know or like. And to interact and have a laugh with them.

This has led in the last fortnight to me being re-tweeted by Lily Allen. As well as having Susanna Reid like one of the tweets that I sent her. It all means nothing but is just a bit of good harmless fun. If you would like to get on board on follow me on twitter. I am simply @NeilQuigley

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

New for 2017 I have launched my own regular weekly Podcast. It is five minutes long. It takes a light-hearted look at some of the big stories and events that have happened during the last seven days. The first two episodes are already available.

To listen to them just head to the “Podcasts” section of my website. If you go to the top of this page you will be able to find it. Alternatively you can hear it on I-tunes or listen via my Youtube Channel which is Neil Quigley TV.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

As I have been busy with other projects recently. I have not had time to visit any television studios and watch any programme’s being made. Well that is about to change spectacularly. As during the next few weeks alone. I am due to be seeing Virtually Famous, Debatable and Go 8-bit all being filmed.

I have seen the last one before. But the other two are new one’s for me to witness in person. I am looking forward to them. I always like being in a TV Studio. I will let you know how I got on next time we speak.

ITV Studios London
ITV Studios London

I am looking forward to spending this afternoon in London. I am seeing one of the longest running musicals with my family. To celebrate my mum and dad’s wedding anniversary. We are going to see Les Miserables at the Queen’s Theatre.

Although my friend Mike Sterling previously played the lead role in this show, in the capital. I have not actually seen it before. So I am very excited about it. We have some fantastic seats. Plus we are going for a nice meal afterwards. It will be a very pleasant way to spend a Saturday afternoon. You can’t beat a trip to the theatre.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Cheers Neil.