All posts by Neil

Golden Times

Hi there, how are you doing? I hope you have had a really good couple of week’s. Mine have been pretty busy with a lots of fun things going on. I have mentioned previously that there is actually another Neil Quigley. And that he is a well known and respected Dance Music DJ and producer. Who often does remixes of some really big songs.

I am a regular user of Twitter. On the social networking site I am simply @NeilQuigley. While my namesake is @djneilquigley.

Neil Quigley Presenter
Neil Quigley Presenter

So from time to time people will get us confused. I will get a tweet saying what a brilliant new track I have released. Or even better sometimes I get a review of my latest remix promoted on line. Normally when I get the chance to. I try to point out that they have got the wrong man. And also I suggest the man they want.

The other day this led to me having a very brief conversation with the other Neil Quigley. We are not at all related. Although we do both have similar hair styles. It was nice to finally speak to him and acknowledge each other. I wonder if he ever gets any tweets that were meant for me?

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

I had another great night out at the theatre recently watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s at the Theatre Royal in London. It is the musical stage version of the 1961 film starring Audrey Hepburn. That movie gave us quite a few iconic moments and images. Most of which featured the lead actress.

In this adaptation the singer Pixie Lott plays the mysterious Holly Golightly. Although best known as a pop star. She went to a very well known stage school. So is no stranger to the world of acting. And of course after her appearance on Strictly Come Dancing. The same applies to dancing.

Theatre Royal London
Theatre Royal London

I thought she was fantastic in the role. We all know that she has a sensational singing voice. Which she showed us with the two great versions of Moon River she did during the show. Her accent, timing and over all performance was excellent. She played it brilliantly in my opinion.

The rest of the cast were also great. It was brilliant to see the hugely talented Victor McGuire. Who I remember from the television comedy Bread, perform. The lead male Matt Barber was also fabulous.

I have to confess I have never watched the whole film previously. So I found the story interesting and engaging, seeing it for the first time. As ever with timeless classics that are brilliantly written. A lot of it is as applicable now to our lives as it was back then.

Another show that is worth a look if you get the chance. It is only on in London for a limited time and then it is going on a nationwide tour. I can see Pixie Lott doing more work in musicals after this has finished. She is perfectly suited to it.

Breakfast At Tiffany's
Breakfast At Tiffany’s

I must admit that I have not watched that much of the Olympic games this time round. A lot of the main events have just been on a little to late for me to stay up and watch. During London 2012 I just about managed to catch all of the big moments.

And I was delighted to go along with my mum to see one of the events. I went to watch the Beach Volley Ball. Which was at Horse Guard’s Parade in London. Great though that was for me. I am guessing that the teams possibly prefer playing at the Copacabana Beach at this championship.

The view from my seat at the Beach Volleyball
The view from my seat at the Beach Volleyball

Well done to Mo Farah for his amazing achievements on the track. The brilliant Max Whitlock for winning two gold medals in the Gymnastics. The great Justin Rose for getting gold in the golf. Andy Murray for regaining the title he won in London four years ago. Katherine Grainger for being great in the rowing. And Laura Trott for becoming our most decorated female Olympian.

Not forgetting her fiance Jason Kenny who now tops the over all men’s medals table along side Sir Chris Hoy. Adam Peaty for his gold in the pool. And the whole of Team GB. Who did the country proud and provided us with so many great sporting moments. There have been so many great individual and team performances. It has been a good games overall for us. Building and improving impressively on the last one. Which is all you can do in life.

Victoria Pendleton and Neil Quigley
Victoria Pendleton and Neil Quigley

I think the Sports Personality of the Year show is going to be intriguing this year. There are already so many contenders for the main award. They may as well just make this year an Olympics Special and forget about all the other sporting achievements this year.

One thing we can be sure about after the recent European Championships is that the winner will not be a footballer.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

While the sportsmen and women have been out in Brazil. The comedians have been up in Scotland taking part in their own sort of Olympics. I am of course talking about the Edinburgh Festival. I have been keeping an eye on some of the shows and performers up there.

Mainly to see if I can find any new acts that I have not seen before. To watch in London later on in the year. As a massive comedy fan. I am always on the look out for new people to go and check out. And new shows to see.

There are quite a few comics up there performing who I have seen before. There are quite a few I have interviewed or spoken to in the past. And there are a few that I have actually had the pleasure of gigging with. These include the wonderful Tony Law. Who headlined my first four stand up gigs. The hilarious Silky, who was on the same bill as me for my debut. And is brilliant.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

And the unbelievable Olaf Falafel, who I have performed with a couple of times. He also did the same comedy course I did the year before I did it. He is doing his first one hour show at the Fringe this year.

He also is a huge producer of very funny comedy vines. Which have currently had over seventy-five million views. So keep an eye out for him.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Last weekend I went up to Liverpool to see my good friend Jeff Nolan. And to enjoy the start of the new Premier League season. By watching my team Tottenham in action against his team Everton at Goodison Park. I got up there on the Friday evening. We went straight to the Pub for a few drinks and a good old chat.

Then we went back to his for some food. And then as can sometimes happen. When you have two people who are massive music fans. We ended up staying up and talking until the early hours listening to songs. Great fun at the time but it did leave us a little light on sleep for the match day.

Neil Quigley and Jeff Nolan
Neil Quigley and Jeff Nolan

We were up bright and early on the Saturday ready for the start of the season. And after a hearty protein inspired egg and cheese breakfast. We set off in to the centre of Liverpool to meet the others who we were going to the game with. I really like being there. I know the place pretty well, as I go there so often. So I enjoy visiting the usual pubs while I am there.

When we arrived at the ground ready for kick off. We found Everton had slightly changed their season ticket system. Which meant there were massive queues outside. Which actually led to us missing about the first ten minutes.

Neil Quigley and Jeff Nolan
Neil Quigley and Jeff Nolan

We were standing outside when we heard a cheer. Initially I thought it was coming from the Tottenham fans and that we had taken the lead. But I was wrong and it was the home side that had gone in front. So when I got to my seat my team were already losing. That was still the case at half time, when we met up inside for the traditional half time pint of Chang Lager. They are Everton’s sponsor. And it is the only place and time I ever drink the stuff.

Then it was back in for the second half. Tottenham equalised and had a few chances to win the game. But one all it finished. I was a little disappointed that we did not win it, to be honest. Although I was happy with a point. I think Everton under Ronald Koeman will be difficult to beat at home.

Half Time Refreshments
Half Time Refreshments

After the game we visited a few more of Liverpool’s drinking establishments finishing up in one that was called the Old Ballroom. It was like a real old fashioned social club. It had a Wedding going on in the function room. While we and a few other locals were in the main bar.

This room had a jukebox that seemed to play nothing but eighties music. With that soundtrack, the venue and the other people there. It did feel a bit like we were in an episode of Only Fools and Horses. I did think that at any moment somebody could fall through the bar hatch.

Everton V Spurs 2016
Everton V Spurs 2016

So the football season is now under way and I had another brilliant weekend in Liverpool. We finished the evening with a Pizza. From a well known chain that used to use ex England footballers in its adverts. Classic lads day out. On the Sunday before I got the train home.

I had a quick walk down Mathew Street. Which is where the original Cavern Club used to be. It is fair to say that pretty much all the venues there have some sort of nod to the Beatles. I have had some good fun around that area over the years. It is a lively place to visit.

Neil Quigley in Liverpool
Neil Quigley in Liverpool

One of the television quiz shows that I went to an audition for earlier this year began this week on ITV 1. It is called Alphabetical and is hosted by the great Jeff Stelling. I had a good time meeting the production staff and playing a version of the game at their offices.

I did well I thought. And won my head to head on the day. So if I was playing for real I would have walked away with some money. It is a fairly straight forward general knowledge quiz. Where they will tell you either what letter the answer starts or ends with depending on the round.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

I did get short listed for the show but I was never invited along to the studios to play it for real unfortunately. Which is a shame for two reasons. It was great fun to play in the audition and secondly the prize money on it is really good. It would have also been nice to meet Jeff Stelling.

I am a big fan of his work on the Sky Sports Show Soccer Saturday. He is brilliant on there. He did walk past me once when I was working at Wembley Stadium. But I never got the chance to speak to him.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

So as well as releasing a new David Brent film. Ricky Gervais is also making a return to stand up comedy and working on a new show. Like most of the comedians do when they are honing a new show. He is doing some warm up shows for it in London. Thanks to a friend of mine I am actually going to see one of these performances in London this week.

I am really looking forward to it. I have enjoyed his previous tours. And I am fascinated to see the early stages of this new one. I will of course tell you about it next time we speak.

Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Cheers Neil.

Music Be The Food of Life

Hi there, how are you doing? I hope you have had a really good couple of week’s. Mine have been busy with lots of fun things going on. I had dinner at a very good mate of mine’s house recently. This guy was actually my very first landlord. As I moved in as his lodger. In the very first house he bought. I was good friends with him before this arrangement. That was not how we met, by the way.

As it happened, he actually received the keys for the place. Just before he went away on holiday with his then girlfriend. So I moved in and started living there. Two weeks before he finally got to move into his own place. He had already selected which bedroom was his, mind you. I decision which I respected.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Anyway I had not seen him for a while. So he invited me round to see him, his wife and their children. For a general catch up and some food. It was a lovely evening. Just having a few drinks. Enjoying the sunny weather in his garden. Chatting and laughing like friends who have known each other for a long time do. Then after they had put the children to bed, we ate. I thought it was genius what they did for the meal. It was certainly something that I had never done before.

They had one of these special cooking stones. Which you heat up in the oven at a very high temperature for an hour. So it absorbs the heat. Then when it is at the correct temperature. You carefully bring it out and put it on its own special stand. Which has two little gas burners under it. So it maintains some of its heat. Laid out on the table were small bits of steak, escalopes, chorizo slices, halloumi and some tuna.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Which you then just cook up yourself using the aforementioned stone. Which is placed right in the middle of the table. So everybody can reach it. You can then cook everything to your own taste. Exactly how you like it. Have the combination of food that you fancy. It is so sociable as well.  As there are natural pauses when you are cooking on the stone. There is lots of time for good quality conversations. During what is a leisurely and enjoyable dining experience.

It was the first time I had tried it. And I would definitely do it again. It was a fantastic evening. I must say that I was very impressed with my own stone cooking skills. As the food tasted great. Compliments to the chef.

A few Sunday’s ago now I headed over to a pub in Surrey. To help celebrate the 10th Anniversary of one of my Dad’s cousin’s and his partner. They are a very musical couple. And they are really in to the folk music scene. So as part of the afternoon. They organised for some friends of theirs to come and play live in the beer garden. They set up a little acoustic stage in one corner. And the acts took turns to get up there and play a few songs.

Live Music
Live Music

They were all great. Martin and Sara, the hosts of the party also play guitars and perform to. So they got up on the stage and did a few numbers. That was the first time I had seen them play.

Now I appreciate I am family. So I might be slightly biased. But I thought they were absolutely incredible. The guitar playing and the vocals were spot on. So it was an afternoon of great music performed by really friendly and nice people. Who could want more?

Live Music
Live Music

I was not driving. So I thought I would treat myself to a couple of drinks. I was delighted to find that the pub did a particular lager. That you rarely see nowadays. The German beer Lowenbrau was on tap. It has been years since I have seen it any where. But I love the taste of it and it brings back lots of great memories for me. I have been lucky enough to go to Oktoberfest in Munich twice. It is a fantastic event. Bigger than you can imagine. With over fifteen Bierkellers. Each of which can hold around four thousand people.

The camp site I stayed at both times I went actually had Lowenbrau available in their on site drink dispensers. Plus my favourite Bierkeller was the Lowenbrau tent. I had a great time in there. Having a few steins and dancing on the tables. While singing along at the top of my voice to the Oompah band. If you ever get the chance I would recommend you go along and experience it for yourself. The atmosphere there is just brilliant. Great fun!

So I think what I am saying is. Basically I enjoyed finding the drink in the pub. And I enjoyed drinking it sitting out in the sun. While watching some great live music. A lovely Sunday afternoon, whichever way you look at it. Thanks to Martin and Sara for the invitation. I look forward to seeing you perform again in the future.

Live Music
Live Music

I had a great evening at the Savoy Theatre in London seeing Funny Girl. Unfortunately I did not see Sheridan Smith perform in the lead role. As I was hoping to previously. So I saw the show but not her.

Not her fault, mine completely. I did not realise that she does not do the Monday performance. So she was never actually due to be there. That was a bit of a shame. Only because I really wanted to see her perform live. As I am a big fan.

Funny Girl
Funny Girl

The show though was fantastic. Natasha J Barnes was sensational in the lead role of Fanny Brice. The part played by Barbara Streisand, no less. In the film version from the sixties. She was excellent, the accent, the comedy and her singing voice were all exceptional. She was really good and thoroughly deserved the ovation that she received at the end.

Also in the cast and playing the leading man Nick Arnstein brilliantly is the charismatic Darius Campbell. Now we all remember the first time we saw him on television on Pop Stars doing his own unique version of Britney Spears’s “Baby One More Time”. Since then he has gone through several style changes. Had a few big hits as a solo singer And now has reinvented himself as a decent West End performer.

He was great in this role, totally assured and in command of everything. Top marks to the whole cast. It was another really enjoyable musical outing. And you never know. I still might go and see it again. To see if I can catch Sheridan Smith in it before the run ends.

Funny Girl
Funny Girl

For a very long time my mum has wanted to go on a river boat cruise down the Thames in London. The other Thursday I finally managed to make this wish a reality for her. I organised for us to go on an Afternoon Tea Cruise with Bateaux London.

They are a tour company who operate from the pier at the Embankment. We had to arrive fifteen minutes before our designated boarding time and wait in a lounge area. For the Captain of the ship to give us the green light to go on board.

London River Cruise
London River Cruise

Once on the boat we were then shown to our table by one of the staff members. I had booked us a window seat. So we could make sure that we got to take in all the sights as we sailed past. Then next an extra little surprise arrived. I had ordered us both a glass of champagne on arrival.

Well I figured if it is worth doing, it is worth doing properly. It set the afternoon off lovely. It felt great sipping on the champers as the boat set off on its journey. It is the closest I will ever get to feeling like Richard Branson.

London River Cruise
London River Cruise

There was also an on board pianist. Who played all through out the cruise. That gave the whole thing a little bit of class. And made for a very enjoyable atmosphere for the journey and the sight seeing. We were on a boat called the Harmony.

We set off down the Thames to take a look at Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament first of all. We then turned round there and headed back up the river. Heading past the South Bank and a few places I know well like the ITV Studios.

London River Cruise
London River Cruise

We then passed by HMS Belfast. Which is a very impressive sight. Got a great view of the Shard and the London skyline in general. Then we caught a glimpse of the wonderful Globe Theatre. Which by the way is well worth a visit if you get the chance. I have been on the tour there. But I really want to go and see a Shakespeare play performed there at some point.

Now as a massive Tea fan. An Afternoon Tea cruise is of course perfect for me. So I have already enjoyed a few cups of the best drink in the world. When they bring the food part of the experience out.

London River Cruise
London River Cruise

Firstly the sandwiches. Which were a selection of Ham & Mustard, Cheese & Cucumber and Salmon & Cream Cheese. They all tasted great. And were cut perfectly with no crusts. Then we got a huge Scone each. With plenty of clotted cream and jam to go with it.

I had not had one for such a long time. I had forgotten just how amazing they taste. Then to top it all off we had a great selection of mini cakes. All of which were then washed down with yet more cups of tea.

London River Cruise
London River Cruise

All this is happening while we are heading up to Canary Wharf. And then turning around again there to head back past land marks such as the Tower of London and the Gherkin. Plus we passed underneath Tower Bridge and London Bridge for the second time. As we made our way back to the pier. That was our starting point.

It was a really enjoyable hour and an half. All the staff were lovely and helpful. The food and beverages were fantastic. It all just worked so well. With the piano music as a nice back drop the our great capital city. It was a brilliantly relaxing afternoon. Just a nice way to see London.

London River Cruise
London River Cruise

So Celebrity Big Brother has returned to Channel 5 for the second time this year. I have to confess I did watch the launch show. To see who was going in to the house. And to see if I had actually heard of any of them. Most of them I had no idea who they were. But I can’t say I warmed to any of them. From what they were saying about themselves. The only ones that I recognised were Ricky Norwood, James Whale, Samantha Fox and Christopher Biggins.

I met Christopher Biggins when he came in for an interview on my radio show. When I was working at Ivel Fm in Yeovil. He was on a tour promoting his autobiography. It was not long after that he had been crowned king of the jungle and won his series of I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. He was a nice bloke.  Easy to chat to and happy to answer any question on any subject you liked. With plenty of humour thrown in for good measure.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

He gave me a signed copy of his book. Which is a fascinating read. He has had a very wide and interesting career. He has been in so many huge shows and pretty much worked with everyone in the business at some point or another.

So I have to confess I am very surprised at what happened to him in the house. Which led to his early departure from the show.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

I am very much looking forward to going up to Liverpoool next weekend. To see my mate Jeff Nolan. And also to see Tottenham Hotspur’s first game of this season at Goodison Park against Everton. We had a great go at it last time.

So I am full of hope of optimism for the the year ahead. Be good to see the team in action. And it is always a great stadium and great place to visit.

Neil Quigley & Jeff Nolan
Neil Quigley & Jeff Nolan

Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Cheers Neil.

Razzle Dazzle

Hi there, how are you doing? I hope you have had a really good couple of week’s. Mine have been busy with a lots of fun things going on. The excellent Tringe Comedy Festival has now just finished for another year. This annual event see’s many of the best comedian’s in the country head down to Tring to perform. Normally work in progress Edinburgh Festival shows.

Among the acts appearing this year were Sean Walsh, Mark Watson, Nish Kumar and James Acaster. All of whom I have seen live. It does always attract a great line up of comics. And it is brilliantly organised and put together by the lovely impresario that is Ben Moorhouse.

Neil Quigley doing Stand Up
Neil Quigley doing Stand Up

Unfortunately I did not manage to get along and see any gigs there this time round. But the festival does hold a special place in my memory. As it was there where I made my stand up comedy debut. Every year they have a Roving Comedy Night. For people who want to try the dark art of comedy for themselves.

You go on an eight week course with the legend that is Logan Murray. Then you are let loose on the good people of Tring. Performing your newly written five minute set in four of the town’s pubs. With a headline professional comedian with you. To close each of your mini shows. That night I got to work with the genius that is Tony Law. Who was totally brilliant!

Neil Quigley Stand Up Comedy
Neil Quigley Stand Up Comedy

If you have ever wanted to try stand up comedy. I would recommend this course and the Roving Comedy Night. It is an amazing experience. The buzz I got from that night lasted for about two weeks after. Plus I got to meet some great and very funny people. In fact the night of my very first gigs. I got to give the wonderful Silky a lift back to his hotel.

He was a finalist in the first ever BBC New Comedy Awards. He runs his own very successful comedy clubs. And is a top bloke. So night one and I was already giving fellow comics lifts. I still do plan to return to stand up at some point in the future. It is really good fun.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Like a large majority of the country. I only really seem to get excited about Tennis during Wimbledon. Whenever that comes on the television. I find it always makes me want to dig out my Andre Agassi racket from the loft. And find a free court to play on. It is a sport I do enjoy playing but do not think about for most of the year. I did go through a stage of playing quite regularly with a mate. But I kept beating him and then strangely the offers to play games suddenly seemed to stop.

I did manage to watch a fair bit of this year’s Wimbledon. Including the Men’s Single’s Final. I was delighted to see Andy Murray win his second All England Club title. He is such a dedicated and hard working sportsman. And therefore deserves all the success that comes his way. He has earned it. And that win easily makes him the greatest British Tennis Player in my life time, certainly.


I was very jealous of my Uncle and Auntie who managed to get Centre Court tickets. For Ladies Semi Final day. So they got to see the powerhouse that is Serena Williams in action. What an athlete she is.

That is very much on my to do list. To go and witness the tennis live at Wimbledon. Ideally on Centre Court. May be I can be there when Andy Murray wins his third title there next year.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

I had a brilliant night the other week watching the stunning Chicago. At one of my favourite venues. The wonderful Waterside Theatre in Aylesbury. This was a show that I had been wanting to see for sometime. So I was really looking forward to it. And I have to say it did not disappoint.

After seeing her at one of the Celebrity Juice recordings I was at. I also really wanted to see Hayley Tammaddon playing Roxie Hart. She was hilarious on the show that night and brilliant on stage in that role to. She really did make it her own. And put her own stamp on it. She has a fantastic singing voice. Which I guess, always helps in a musical.

Aylesbuy Waterside Theatre
Aylesbuy Waterside Theatre

The whole cast were excellent. It was very well put together, the staging, sound and choreography were all fantastic. The character I think I can relate most to, is of course Billy Flynn. Who was perfectly portrayed by John Partridge. He was so good from start to finish. And he can hold a note for such a long time. I reckon he would seriously give Bill Withers a run for his money.

The orchestra are actually on stage and fully in view. They really do get involved and add to the fun and enjoyment. In fact I think a few of them may be a little bit crazy. There are some nice surprises in it. A very enjoyable show. Performed by a great company. I am very pleased I went along to see it. Great fun night.

Beautiful The Carole King Musical
Beautiful The Carole King Musical

It has been a theatre packed fortnight for me. As I also went and saw Beautiful The Carole King Musical at the Aldwych Theatre in London. This was another show that I had heard great things about. And had been wanting to see for a while. It was brilliant. It is really fast paced and very slick. And it tells the amazing story of her life and career. In a very clever and direct way. But the best thing is the amount of excellent songs in the show. Most of which of course were written by the subject of the story herself.

These songs by the way are all brilliantly performed by the fantastic cast. It is just huge hit song after huge hit song. Mixed in with the different stages of the great singer and songwriter’s life. Cassidy Janson is sensational in the lead role. And totally nails all of the amazing songs. That she gets to sing. It was again another lovely night out at the theatre.

Neil Quigley TV Radio & Live
Neil Quigley TV, Radio & Live

I love live performances. So much more engaging and fun than just watching stuff at home on the television. I like to think that I know quite a lot about music. But even I had moments a couple of times during the night when I was thinking “I had forgotten this one was a Carole King song”. She does have such an amazing back catalogue of classic songs.

And bearing in mind a lot of these came out of. In effect a music factory style environment. In many ways makes that more astonishing, I think. Some bands go away for years to write their albums. She and her writing colleague’s had to deliver songs. Like they were working at a car plant. Virtually on a daily basis. Her debut solo album Tapesty was huge. And packed full of timeless classics. She was in a way the 60′ s and 70’s answer to Adele. Great night out. Seeing yet another excellent West End show.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Staying with musicals. I am very excited that I am going to see Sheridan Smith star in Funny Girl at the Savoy Theatre in London on Monday. I have been a big fan of hers for years. I have always wanted to see her perform live on stage.

So I can’t wait. I have been following her career from the start. All the way from the Royale Family, Two Pints of Lager, through to Gavin & Stacey and her excellent portrayal of Cilla in the ITV biopic of the singer’s rise to fame. I will report back on the show next time we speak.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

One of my former radio stations Mix 96. Just happened to be in the town where I live. As part of their Summer Tour last week. So I thought it would be rude not to pop along and say hello. Over the years I have spent several spells working there.

And it was actually where I had my very first taste of a radio studio. When I did a week’s work experience there. When I was at Aylesbury college. Funnily enough one of the presenters who I met that week Max Hailey is now the Managing Director.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

A few years after that initial visit. I was back helping out on the Saturday Sport Show. Phoning up the local football teams to get the scores. And then reading out the results on air. From here I progressed to doing the Sports Show myself.

Before that though my first ever show on the station was a one hour show on a Sunday morning. Which I covered for just one week. Which was equally exhilarating and terrifying but great fun. That was really my big break in radio.

Victoria Pendleton and Neil Quigley
Victoria Pendleton and Neil Quigley

The next step was to cover a few weeks worth of the Evening Show. Then this eventually led on to me doing six months on the Drive Show. Before then doing three months on the Morning Show. I then just dropped back to doing Saturday Sport at the station for a while.

Before a year later returning to do the Morning Show for another six months. Then after five years in Somerset. I returned initially for a Saturday Afternoon Show. Which then led to me doing the Evening Show. For a couple of years before leaving the station.

Neil Quigley in a still from the Mix 96 behind the Scenes Video
Neil Quigley in a still from the Mix 96 behind the Scenes Video

Anyway it was really nice to catch up with someone I have known for many years. As he has been at Mix 96 for quite some time himself now, Nathan Cooper. Good to have a chat and see him in action. We have done a few outside broadcasts together over the years.

And it was also nice to see Darren Scott. Who I worked with during my last spell there. Mix 96 is a excellent radio station. So it was nice to see them out and about doing their stuff. It was a good giggle to see everyone.

Neil Quigley at Mix 96 Tour De Vale Bike Ride
Neil Quigley at Mix 96 Tour De Vale Bike Ride

I am really enjoying working with the BBC in London. Being around such talented and dedicated people is fantastic. It is fun and very fulfilling being involved in the production of some excellent programmes. There is also the added bonus of you never know who you will bump in to. Everyday while you are there.

Plus thanks to The One Show studios being there to. You also never know. Who might just be performing live outside the building. For example last week as I was on my way home. Bryan Adams was performing his latest single with his band. And for the record he sounded sensational. Previously James Bay was serenading me as I was leaving.

On the way to BBC New Broadcasting House
On the way to BBC New Broadcasting House

I recently tried my first ever gluten, wheat and dairy free health bar. Which although I appreciate that it was probably very good for me. I must admit I personally thought it tasted horrible. If you are unable to eat these food groups. You have my sympathies.

It confirmed what I already know. Despite the fact I do try to keep fit and healthy. And also eat quite well. I do really love bad food and the things we shouldn’t eat. They taste so good.

Health Bar
Health Bar

Tomorrow afternoon I am going to a family party. Which is taking place in a pub beer garden with a BBQ and some live music performances. That is basically my perfect Sunday. Hopefully the weather will be nice.  You will never find me complaining that the weather is too hot. I do like it nice and warm.

During the year we have enough cloudy and wet days. So anytime the sun is out and the temperature is high. I am very happy. Plus I am a great sleeper, so no matter how cold or hot it is. I still sleep fine. I have two settings in life. I am either on (awake) or off (asleep).

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Cheers Neil.

Task in Hand

Hi there, how are you doing? I hope you have had a really good couple of weeks. Mine have been busy as ever, with lots of fun things going on. Well for starters the episode of Task Master. That I went to watch being filmed was shown on Dave. It was the one that included them making their own videos for nursery rhymes. Which were mostly terrifying, I thought.

Now the eagle eyed amongst you. May have caught a quick glimpse of me on a couple of occasions. As they were going in to and out of the tasks on the big screen. It was a great evening. And the finished show was equally very funny.

Neil Quigley Presenter
Neil Quigley Presenter

The latest episode of Task Master. Which was on last Tuesday night featured the Mayor of Chesham in one of the task’s. Alex Horne who actually came up with the idea for the show and co-presents it with Greg Davies, lives near there.

So I guess he must of thought it would be nice to get the town and county on the show. And put Buckinghamshire on the map. So the task they devised was simply to entertain the Mayor Peter Hudson in his chambers.

It was interesting to see the different ways that the contestants on the show went about this. My favourite was Joe Wilkinson. Who simply went to the local shop and came back with forty-two Calypso Ice Lolly’s and six cans of strong lager. To give to the Mayor.

Although a special mention deserves to go to Richard Osman. Who wrote a special poem about the Mayor and town. Which he read to him while juggling. Personally I think this performance should mean that they make him the next Poet Laureate for Buckinghamshire.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

I was talking about the show on Twitter, while I was watching it. And this led to a very quick online conversation with the man of the moment himself. None other than the Mayor of Chesham, Councillor Peter Hudson. Basically he said he had a lovely time recording it. And that he thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

He also said that each comedian actually spent thirty minutes with him doing their bits. He said they were all great people. I thought he was brilliant on it. And did an excellent job. I am very jealous that he got to spend half an hour with all those people, specially Kathryn Ryan.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

I did watch a little bit of the Glastonbury Festival coverage on the BBC. I have been to it a couple of times myself. Once for the whole weekend. Which was an amazing experience. And the second time I just went for the Sunday afternoon.

Both times I had a back stage pass. So it was good for celebrity spotting and getting around the site easier. I am not a great fan of camping. But I would really like to go to the Festival again in the future. That is the only place. That could possibly get me back in a tent.

Neil Quigley at Glastonbury
Neil Quigley at Glastonbury

Although the camping there was not massive fun. The great acts, good times and memories created out weighed all of that. That is the part that makes me want to get involved with it again. It is crazy how a dairy farm in Pilton is totally transformed in to a temporary home. For one hundred and eighty thousand people and the who’s who of the music industry. But anyway I wasn’t there this year but I did watch a few of the performances on television.

The first one I caught was Madness on the Saturday afternoon. They were performing at an American Football game. That I was working at last year at Wembley Stadium. So I got to hear them sound checking with just a small handful of people. Which was brilliant. They sounded great. And they really do have that unique sound. So you instantly know it is them.

I thought they did a great job at Glastonbury. Suggs was in his element messing about on stage in front of that many people. And as any band should at a Festival. They banged out all the big hits. Top work from a top band. A couple of year’s ago and went and saw Suggs’s one man show at The Waterside Theatre in Aylesbury. That was also a really funny and very entertaining night.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

The next performance I saw was from the Saturday night headliner Adele. I know many people felt that she was an odd choice to close the first day of the weekend. But she is an exceptionally talented and very popular singer. Who has won many many awards. She is renowned for putting on great live shows. She is a massive Glastonbury fan. Who has been going there since she was a young girl.

And lastly she is a Tottenham Hotspur fan. All of those things meant that she was an obvious and excellent choice for this slot. As far as I am concerned.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

I thought that she was absolutely brilliant. For starters that singing voice of her’s is just sensational. She has a real presence, warmth, and connection with the audience. When she is on stage. Plus that back catalogue of songs. That she already has, is phenomenal. She is seemingly so down to earth to.

Her interaction with the crowd is just so relaxed. Not least her language. I think it is fair to say she swears a bit. In fact I think she may swear more on stage. Than any other artist I have ever seen. She got several people up from the crowd to have photos taken with her. She went down and chatted to the fans in between songs. She was so chilled and very happy to pose for photographs and selfies!

What I think I am saying is that I might be a little bit in love with her. I bet she is great fun on a night out. Not to mention a bit useful to have around for some Karaoke. The way she talks to the audience and then launches in to great songs.

She is a bit like a one women modern day version of the Rat Pack. I thought it was brilliant how she ended her performance. By finishing her last song, saying “see you later” as she picked up the pint of cider she was drinking and slowly headed of stage. Genius. Great gig by a super talented and lovely person.

Neil Quigley TV Radio & Live
Neil Quigley TV, Radio & Live

It has become a tradition to have a “legends” act on the Pyramid Stage on the Sunday Afternoon. The two times that I was there. This slot was filled by Shirley Bassey and Neil Diamond. Shirley came on stage in an evening gown and diamond covered wellingtons and belted out all her biggest hits.

And the American came on in normal stage attire and played all his biggest songs. As you can imagine “Sweet Caroline” was quite the sing-a-long that day. This year it was Jeff Lynne’s ELO who were playing. He is another cool cat who is pretty chilled and relaxed on stage between the songs it is fair to say.

As you would expect from a man of his calibre. There was nothing missing from his set at all. All the big hits brilliantly delivered. I think my favourite bit was when he played Mr Blue Sky. The whole of Glastonbury was singing and dancing along in the pouring rain. Which kind of sums up the festival for me. It is all about forgetting what is happening around you and just losing yourself in the music and in the moment. Then the last thing I saw was Coldplay, closing the whole thing.

Neil Quigley with The Beatles
Neil Quigley

I thought they put on a fantastic show. And you could tell that they were in the middle of a big stadium tour. By how slick and good their performance was. It sounded and looked great watching at home on the television. I like the way they got their kids on stage for one of the songs. Nice to share the amazing experience of playing to such a big crowd with the family. And it will certainly give them all something to remember.

The interaction with the organiser Michael Eavis was something different. Plus as I was watching I was saying that unusually there were not any real surprise guests this time. When they suddenly brought out Barry Gibb from the Bee Gees. To do a few songs with them.

And then just when you thought things could not get any weirder. They decide to bring out Michael Eavis to sing My Way. I have not seen any official announcement. But when that happened I was thinking that was his sign off from being the man in charge. And that the baton would now very much be passed to his daughter Emily. She has been getting more and more involved with things every year. So that would make sense. I enjoyed my little slice of Glastonbury. And who knows I may even find myself up to my knees in mud. While enjoying live music in a field in Somerset for the festival next year.

Neil Quigley at Hard Rock Calling
Neil Quigley at Hard Rock Calling

The less said about England’s exit from the Euro 2016 Football Championships the better I think. Let me just say that the performance against Iceland was disappointing, to say the least. Unfortunately none of the players involved in that game came out with any credit. We got what we deserved from the game.

Sad to see Roy Hodgson depart as England Manager. I have met him and I do really like him. But I think he has taken the team as far as he can. Trouble is there is no obvious replacement. But on wards and up wards. Let us look to the future and not to the past.


Well done to Wales for making it to the Semi-finals of their first tournament since nineteen fifty-eight. After England went out everyone was trying to find something that made them Welsh, so they still had a team to support.

The best I could do is the fact that I once spent a week on a caravan holiday in Tenby with my cousin. Which I believe qualified me to be Welsh for ninety minutes. To support them against Portugal. Sadly it did not happen for them on the night. But they can all be proud of what they achieved. Together we are stronger is possibly a mantra, we could all use currently.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Last Sunday it was the final day of this year’s Henley Royal Regatta. I have worked at a couple and had a great time there last year. So I went along to catch up with my mate and former Regatta Radio colleague George Thomas.

After stopping off at a well known supermarket to get some food we then headed down to the Thames to catch some of the action. Last year I watched some of the racing from the river. This year we found a nice spot on the river bank to eat our food and watch the competitors go by.

Henley Royal Regatta
Henley Royal Regatta

While we were there I got to witness the great Mahe Drysdale the current Olympic Champion fly past me. We then had a walk to the start of the course to have a look round. And while I was there. As I am always one to support local business’s. I did treat myself to a nice pint of beer from the Rebellion Brewery.  Who are based in Marlow. It is fair to say I am a big fan of their work. I had a lovely afternoon.

There is something so very English about the Regatta. The atmosphere is great. It is all good fun. And I am already planning to go there for a bit longer next time.

Henley Regatta Mahe Drysdale
Henley Regatta Mahe Drysdale

Last night I went to the ITV London Studios on the South Bank to see an episode of Mr & Mrs being recorded. It is always great seeing the master Mr Phillip Schofield in action in a studio. He is just so good and so consistent. Despite the madness going on around him. He rarely makes any mistakes or has to do anything again. One take wonder. He is a legend. Although he did get the giggles at one point.

The couples on the show were, Emmerdale’s Adam Thomas and his wife Claire. From Strictly Come Dancing Kevin and Karen Clifton. Dad’s Army and Eastenders star Ian Lavender and his wife Michelle. It was a fun night. All the pairs were very entertaining. And all revealed way too much about their  personal and home lives.

ITV Studios London
ITV Studios London

My favourite couple were Kevin and Karen. as I am a big fan of the show they appear on. They do seem perfectly suited. They are both a little bit crazy. But in a fun and a safe way.

Some of the expressions Karen pulled were amazing. Not sure when the series will be shown. But I suspect it will be some time in September. Keep an eye out for it. It is well worth a watch.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Cheers Neil.

Ear We Go Again

Hi there, how are you doing? I hope you have had a really good couple of week’s. Mine have been quite busy with a few fun things going on. I did have to make a brief trip to Stoke Mandeville Hospital the other week. It was just for a check up appointment for my ears. I had some problems with them at the start of the year. And saw the same nurse back then.

Without getting to gory. They basically hoover out my ears with a special mini vacuum cleaner. Which is not painful but it does give you a pretty weird sensation. While they are doing it. So I am pleased to confirm that my ears are now nice and clean.

And my hearing is probably the best it has been for ages. While they are doing the procedure. You can see what they are doing in the ear itself. On a big screen, right in front of you.

Neil Quigley at Stoke Mandeville Hospital Radio
Neil Quigley at Stoke Mandeville Hospital Radio

I chose not to watch it. As I am very squeamish. I am so bad I can’t actually watch Casualty. I know what they are doing is not real but if there is any blood and gore on it. I really cannot look. I started my broadcasting career at Stoke Mandeville Hospital Radio.

So as I walked past the studios on the way to my appointment. That brought back lots of nice memories. I started there as a producer before progressing to hosting my own shows. During the five or so year’s that I was there. Good times and some lovely memories.

Neil Quigley back at Stoke Mandeville Hospital Radio
Neil Quigley back at Stoke Mandeville Hospital Radio with Martin Kinch

A couple of weeks ago my good friend Adam Fisher celebrated his fortieth birthday. With a night out at a casino in Reading. I have been on a couple of holidays with him over the years. Including my one and only trip outside of Europe. When we went to Las Vegas for a week.

A place which I absolutely loved and fully intend to return to at some point in my life. I also had the honour of being an Usher at his Wedding to. In fact while we were in Vegas. I ended up going ring shopping with him. As he was planning his engagement to his now wife. When we returned from the States.

Neil Quigley and Adam Fisher in Las Vegas
Neil Quigley and Adam Fisher in Las Vegas

I got to the Casino first. It is a place I have been to a few times over the years. However I was surprised to find that when I arrived I was actually still a member there. I must have joined over fifteen years ago now. On the plus side it meant I did not have to sign in. So I could just walk straight in. They then showed me up to where we would be having our meal.

It was the night of the England versus Russia game. With Adam being a big fan of the football. He had organised for us to be near a big screen, so we could see it. The waitress gave me a place name card with what meal I had ordered on. As I was first there.

I put it in the best place to be able to watch the television. So when everyone else arrived later on. And they were looking for somewhere to sit. I already had the best seat in the house reserved. I am telling you. You can’t buy experience.

Neil Quigley's Favourite Shirt Number
Neil Quigley’s Favourite Shirt Number

It was a great night. And lovely to catch up with lots of people. Who I had not seen for ages. The only slight disappointment was England conceding a last minute equaliser. Although that did mean one of the guests won a bottle of Prosecco. For predicting the correct score. It is very fair to say that she was the only one cheering at the final whistle.

I did do a little bit of gambling. Well it would have been rude not to right? I played a couple of hands of Black Jack. Which is my casino gambling game of choice. Sadly though I had no luck at all. But fair play to the Birthday boy. Who managed to double his money. As we were sat there at the table.

Las Vegas Baby
Las Vegas Baby

As part of the deal struck with the venue. We each got a five pound free bet token to use. I have always fancied having a go at Roulette. But as the odds are so stacked against you. I tend not to play it with my own money. But I did use the free bet on it. I felt a bit like James Bond.

When I put my whole five pounds on just one single number. It felt quite exciting while the wheel and ball were spinning. But then it stopped. No where near my selection. And the game was over very quickly. At that point I decided to leave. Quit while you are level. Right!

Neil Quigley in London
Neil Quigley in London

I am spending more time working and socialising in London. Which is brilliant. This has led to a couple of sporting celebrity spots recently. Firstly I saw the Welsh former Hurdler and Olympic Silver Medallist Colin Jackson. Then the unmistakable figure of former boxer Chris Eubank walked past me. His dress sense is amazing. Both of them are forty-nine. And both are still in prime physical condition.

A doctor once said to me. That it is easier to maintain a level of fitness. Rather then stop and start from scratch. So I do still try to keep myself fit. With running and some weights. And seeing two guys ten years older than me looking so well. Gives me great motivation to keep going. And proves that the hard work and effort is worth it.

Neil Quigley talking to Victoria Pendleton
Neil Quigley talking to Victoria Pendleton

I am enjoying watching the Euro 2016 Championships. England are doing alright I think. We are playing some good football. And have done what we needed to do. Which was to get out of our group. And get in to the knock out stages. And from a personal point of view.

I think it is nice to see so many Tottenham players in the squad. I am starting to get quite excited now. I think we might have a chance of winning it. In a one off match there is always a chance right? But people are so right, when they say, it is the hope that kills you. Come on England!


I have to confess I have quite enjoyed seeing all of the Queen’s Birthday celebrations. When the whole Royal Family are dressed up and they appear on the balcony at Buckingham Palace to wave at the huge crowds below. That is always a beautiful moment, I think. There is something very British and very reassuring about it.

Also I like the tradition now of the military fly past’s down The Mall and over the Palace. They always looks great. In Regents Street currently. They have Union Jack flags running down the whole street. It looks brilliant. There is nothing wrong in being proud of where you are from, displaying a symbol and a passion for that.

BGT London
BGT London

It has been quite a busy time for the Queen. Last week it was Royal Ascot. So she was at the races every day. She arrives in a horse drawn carriage. In another fantastically splendid procession. Proving you can gamble on absolutely everything nowadays. You can have a bet on what colour hat she wears.

She is massively into her horse racing. And actually owns a couple of race horses herself. So I was very pleased when she had a winner on the last day of the festival. She had a nice big smile on her face in the winners enclosure. When she was collecting her prize.

Windsor Races Winning
Windsor Races Winning

The new series of Task Master on the TV Channel Dave started last week. It is a comedy challenge panel show hosted by Greg Davies and Alex Horne. The episode that I went to the filming of will be shown next Tuesday night at 10pm. I was sat right in the middle of the front row. So if you do watch it keep a look out for me.

It is a very funny show. The whole panel were on fire but Joe Wilkinson was very funny on the night. Plus you may also want to keep an eye on just how competitive Jon Richardson and Kathryn Ryan are. Simply a good fun, totally silly programme.

Neil Quigley TV Radio & Live
Neil Quigley TV, Radio & Live

Also the BBC New Comedy Award London Heat that I went to see. At the Up The Creek comedy club in Greenwich. Was on Radio 4 Extra last Sunday night. It was a fun night with some great up and coming new comedians.

Having listened back to it myself I can confirm I totally agree with the three acts that the judges sent through. And the winner of the heat George Lewis is definitely one to watch and keep an eye out for in the future, I reckon.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Also you may well have caught a very brief cameo appearance from me during it. My name does not get a mention and there is no real way of knowing it is me. But one of the acts believe it of not does do a knock knock joke.

Which required a little bit of audience participation. And no one will be at all amazed to discover. I was more than happy to step in and help out. In my best Radio 4 style voice. Listen below.

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Congratulations to the legend that is Rick Astley on securing his first number one album for around thirty years. With his latest record called 50. In doing so he also managed to hold off the challenge of Tom Odell. Whose new album Wrong Crowd went in at number two.

I have to confess I am a fan of all his eighties songs. As was the comedian Peter Kay. Who used the singer as the support and warm up act for his “Tour That Doesn’t Tour Tour.” The first single off the album called “Angels on my Side” is absolutely brilliant. Welcome back Rick.

Neil Quigley and Elvis Presley hanging out in the 70's #crazydays
Neil Quigley and Elvis Presley hanging out in the 70’s #crazydays

I have always been a fan of the chat show format. Currently my favourite one is The Graham Norton Show. Mainly because he gets some great guests on. But also because I do think he is a very good, funny and laid back interviewer.

It is quite a chilled show. So people do tend to open up a bit. It is definitely on my radar to go along to a recording of it. A couple of weeks ago he did a rare one on one interview with Charlie Sheen. Who happily did seem in quite a good place.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

He appeared to have calmed down a lot compared to his past behaviour. And he appeared to be coming to terms with his current and well publicised medical condition. I have to admit I was a little concerned about him when he was having his tiger blood rants. Although I did find them fascinating.

Not everyone’s cup of tea, but personally I reckon he is a pretty good comic actor. And let us face it he has certainly lived a little over the years. He did seem genuinely happy about the warm response he got from the audience.

ITV Studios London
ITV Studios London

I am very much looking forward to paying another visit the the ITV Studios on the South Bank in London. To see an episode of Mr & Mrs being filmed. I went to a recording of the last series. And it was brilliant fun. Phillip Schofield is the master. When it comes to studio based presenting.

They always get brilliant celebrity couples on there. Who reveal a lot more to the audience, than will get shown. When it eventually goes out on the television. I will let you know who was on it and how it was next time we speak.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

I have started working more regularly at the BBC in London. It is just an amazing place to be and I am thoroughly enjoying being part of this fantastic organisation. And producing radio with such talented and dedicated professionals.

I am really looking forward to getting more involved with lots more different shows during the rest of the year.

BBC Studio
BBC Studio

Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Cheers Neil.