May The Force Be With You

Hello again, how’s it going? I trust you managed to enjoy some of the sun we have had recently . Normally it tends to work out that whenever it is sunny I am working inside but by a happy coincidence this was not actually the case this time. So we are already in May then and last Saturday it was Star Wars Day or May the Fourth as it is also known. I am a big fan of the films and I’m delighted to hear they have announced plans to make a new instalment to be filmed at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire. Though I think they missed a trick not announcing it last weekend, may be I should get in contact and give them some PR advice. I wonder if I can get an extra role in it, I reckon I would look quite good as a Jedi.

Neil Quigley TV Radio & Live
Neil Quigley TV, Radio & Live

It has been a busy but fun couple of weeks. The other Friday I was up in London for a meeting about a new TV show, which I am hoping to be involved in. I can’t say to much about it at this point as it is still in the early stages of production. But what I can say I think is it’s a new TV format to the UK but is a style of show that is already very popular in certain parts of Europe. My trip to see them involved me messing about in front of a camera for a bit, which is never time wasted in my opinion. They seem like a great bunch and it was a good laugh. The current plan is to shoot a pilot for it sometime in June. So I will be able to give your more information then I hope.

Neil Quigley with Behind the Painted Smile Team
Neil Quigley with Behind the Painted Smile Team

The short film “Behind The Painted Smile” that I am appearing in started shooting on location last Sunday. So I went along to meet the rest of the team and help out with some of the production requirements on the day. It was really good to get the project underway and get to know the rest of the cast and crew better. It meant we were outside all day working on some key scenes in the story and even though it did not feel particularly warm I still managed to get a bit of a tan. Plus the writer and producer treated me to dinner after which is never a bad end to any work day.  I am really looking forward to filming my piece for it and seeing the finished project. Rest assured I will keep you up to date with this and let you know when I have shot my scenes and then when it will be released. I am still waiting for confirmation of that date currently.

Neil Quigley Filming on Location
Neil Quigley Filming on Location

I always like to see people I have met or interviewed doing well and always keep an eye on their career to see how they are getting on. So I was delighted to hear the hugely talented Elsie getting some national radio airplay with her new song “Your Loving Arms” a cover of the Billie Ray Martin song from 1994. I met her when she came on one of my radio shows when she was on tour in Somerset. She was great fun to interview, nice and a really good laugh plus she does has a brilliant voice to. Not only that but she had just got back from working with Robbie Williams performing backing vocals on an album of songs he was producing at that time. And since then she has gone on to work as one of Tom Jones backing singers performing with him all over the world. All this as well as pursuing her own solo career. She is a great girl, who loves her music and works hard at it, so I wish her all the best and hope her current single really takes off for her.


When I was a teenager I used to watch Wycombe Wanderers on a regular basis and I did honestly have an unsuccessful trial for their youth team. Anyway last Saturday there was a Wycombe Legends match taking place at their home stadium Adams Park. So for old times sake I went along to the game with my parents. To see a lot of the players I used to watch as a kid. It is fair to say some of them have aged better than others.  That said I found out this week that I am actually old enough now to be able to play for a veterans football team. It was a fun afternoon and you could tell they were really enjoying being back together and back out there on the pitch. Over the last decade I have been lucky enough to have played football against and with a couple of them. And up close you can see just how good they really are. So it was nice to catch up with them again after. And to top the day off my dad bought me a pint. Happy Days!

It was nice to have the first Bank Holiday Monday of the year this week wasn’t it? I used mine to catch up with some mates for a few drinks and a lovely bite to eat in Beaconsfield. Why is it that time goes so much quicker when you are sitting in a pub beer garden than when you are sitting down at work. Surely it can’t just be the alcohol. That reminds me it looks like I may be working at this year’s Henley Regatta as part of the production team for the Regatta Radio which will be great fun. I have never actually been to the event before although I have been to Henley itself loads of times. Summer is on the way.

And finally it is the radio Oscars this coming Monday 13th May, so good luck to all my radio friends who have been nominated. I hope you have a fun and enjoyable night at the ceremony and that you win of course. The entertainment is pretty decent this year with Robbie Williams being one of the acts performing. So to misquote Judith Charmers “I wish I was there”.

Neil Quigley
Neil Quigley

Have fun and we will speak again in a couple of weeks. Thanks Neil.

Neil Quigley Presenter