Hi there, how are you doing? I hope you have had a really good couple of weeks. Mine have been very busy as ever, with lots of fun things going on. So firstly congratulations to Richard Jones on winning this year’s Britain’s Got Talent. In doing so, he became the first magician ever to win it. I think he might have been the only magical act this year. Who basically did not look like he would injure or kill himself in some way during his act.
It was kind of fitting that in this, the Queen’s 90th Birthday year. A member of the Military Services was successful. And will now therefore perform at this year’s Royal Variety Show. Providing his boss, who is technically Her Majesty of course. Will give him the time off.
So once again well done to him on this massive achievement. I will now look forward to seeing him performing alongside the other famous soldier turned entertainer James Blunt at the Queen’s 95th Birthday Party.

It was another fun series hosted brilliantly by the masters that are Ant & Dec. The judges were great again. And all do bring something different to the party. Annoyingly Simon Cowell is still the one judge I find myself agreeing with most. When he is commenting on the act’s performances. Although sometimes I might personally have phrased this criticism in a slightly different way.
I really enjoyed my night at the Dominion seeing one of the heats. I will most likely try to get to another one next series. Being there live does give you a good chance to get an idea of the overall standard of that year’s contestants.

I am a huge football fan. I have always played the sport. I really enjoy watching it. I have been lucky enough to visit many of the great stadiums in the country. And I have even managed to play a match at the biggest and best one of all, Wembley Stadium. Rugby however is something I hated playing as a kid at school. I was never really any good at it. I was quite tall and fairly skinny as a child.
But my games teacher still put me in the second row. Which meant I had to go in the scrum. Which I really disliked. Mind you that said with my lack of pace. I could never have been a winger or full back. Since leaving education I have watched the odd game on the television and kind of enjoyed that. Even though I have little idea of what is actually going on.

However when a mate of mine offered me the chance to go and see England play Wales at Twickenham. I jumped at the chance. Even though I used to live in Iseworth for a couple of years, when I was growing up. And therefore drove past it quite a few times. I had never actually been to the stadium to see a match. And despite not being a massive fan of the sport.
I am very patriotic and always happy to support an England team at whatever they are competing in. I had heard what a great experience it was suppose to be. Plus how the feel and atmosphere differed from that of a football match. And I am pleased to say this information was perfectly accurate. It did feel different.

I met my friend in Wembley and we got the tube to Hounslow East. A station I last used around thirty-two years ago I reckon. When my mum took me for my first ever day trip in to central London. So it was nice and at the same time quite weird to be back there. We then decided to walk to the ground. Stopping to enjoy a drink at a lovely little pub, we found on the way.
Once we were refreshed we continued our walk to the ground. I have to say as you approach it. It is a very impressive sight. We got in to the fans area outside the stadium. Which was impressive in itself, with live music and television screens to watch. Not to mention a nice selection of places to get pretty much every type of food you could think of.

We then made our way towards where our seats were. We were up in the top part of the South Stand. Which meant that we had to make our way up a concrete style ramp. Like in a multi-storey car park. To get to where we needed to. I actually preferred that idea to having lots of steps to climb up.
To blend in with the rest of the crowd only, of course. We found the nearest bar and got some drinks. With the two main choices being Lager or Guinness. When you buy your first drink they charge you an extra pound for the plastic glass it comes in. Then as long as you bring this back to the bar they will refill at the normal price.

I am guessing this is to encourage people to bring glasses back to the bar and not leave them lying around the place. At the end you can either take the glass home as a souvenir or take it to the bar and get your original pound back. Fair play to some kids at the end. Who I saw collecting up any glasses that had been left. To take them back to the bar and get the cash for them. One child I saw must have had about ten pounds worth in their hands.
The atmosphere was really friendly and relaxed. And one thing I found very strange coming from a football watching background. Was that the fans were not segregated. It did not matter who you were supporting. You could just sit anywhere, it would seem.

I really enjoyed the game. Even though I did not understand the finer points of it. We had some good seats. So we got a decent view of all the action. I think by following the rest of the fans I shouted and cheered at the right times. It was great to see England win.
It was just simply a fun and relaxing afternoon. Watching an England team play in the correct national stadium for that sport. I would definitely go and see a game of rugby there again. If I got offered the chance to.

Last Tuesday I went to the fabulous Up The Creek Comedy Club in Greenwich. To see the first London heat of this year’s BBC New Comedy Award. It was the first time that I had been there. I have to say it is a lovely little room for comedy. With a nice bar that has a nice selection of drinks. Which is pretty unusual for these kind of places.
I would say it was the perfect place to hold this event in. Very comfortable for the audience. Which means it is a nice arena for the acts to perform their comedy in. In front of a very supportive and enthusiastic crowd.

Previous finalists in the competition include amongst others Silky, Lee Mack, Marcus Brigstocke, Peter Kay, Shappi Korsandi, Russell Howard, Rhod Gilbert, Alan Carr, Sarah Millican and Joe Lycett. So as you can see over the years since the first one in 1995. The standard has been pretty high.
It has also been a great stepping stone for many new and up coming comics. There were ten comedians taking part. All performing their own original stuff. I can’t say any more at this stage. As it was all recorded for Radio 4 Extra. Who will be playing out all the heats and acts in a special radio series later in the summer.

What I can say is. The heat was hosted by the excellent Jessica Fostekew. Who was very funny and did a brilliant job. I was sat right on the front row. Which did lead to a very awkward conversation between me and her.
When she asked me if I could be any food at all. What food would that be? To be honest this is something I had never previously considered. So after a lengthy pause I panicked and said a burger. Funnily enough she did come back to me at all after this incident.

Then later on one of the acts used me. So they could tell a sort of knock knock joke. So do listen out for it when it is on the radio. As you may get to briefly hear my dulcet tones. I thought all the comedians were great. I know from experience. That it is not easy getting up there and making people laugh.
And on reflection I do think the judging panel of three. Which included the brilliant Holly Walsh. Got the decision about right on which three acts to send to the semi finals. Another great night enjoying some live comedy. Go and see some yourself. When you can. Laughter is always good for you.

Also last week I went to see a former colleague and friend of mine Jack Harding in his latest stage production. He was starring in the brilliant Sea Life at The Hope Theatre in Islington.
It was the first time I had been there. It is a lovely venue above the Hope and Anchor pub. Which of course acts as a theatre bar for the performances.The play was totally amazing. It was a very dark comedy written by Lucy Catherine and directed by Matthew Parker.

The set was fantastic. Being sat in the audience you really felt you were there. The sound, lighting and staging were also spot on. Even to the point that as the play is set in a coastal town. When you walk in to the auditorium. There is a strong smell of Fish and Chips that greets you.
The whole cast were excellent but I have to say Jack Harding was sensational as Eddie. A really strong and powerful performance. Showing exactly why he has been Offie nominated for Best Male actor for this role. It was a full two hour show. Which flew by so quickly. As it was so gripping and entertaining.
It was also lovely to catch up with him after the show. And it gave me the chance to buy him a well deserved drink. For the role he has had to grow a big bushy beard. Which to be fair is an absolute triumph in itself.
It seemed to me like it was a quite an emotionally draining role. So I imagine he has been sleeping very well during its run. The final performance is actually tonight. So I am glad I managed to catch it when I did. Also keep an eye out for Jack Harding. When the next series of People Just Do Nothing is released.

I was away for a couple of weeks for work related reasons recently. I stayed in a great hotel in Worcestershire. That had some great photographs of old BBC Television shows on many of the walls. The room that I was staying in had some pictures from the original Generation Game with Bruce Forsyth.
And two from Allo Allo featuring the great Gordon Kaye. When I was a child my parents ran a newsagents in Iseworth. And he used to come in to the shop regularly to buy his papers.

In the hall way just outside my room was a picture of Smashie and Nicey. The DJ creations of Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse. Harry actually lives near to me nowadays. I actually saw him at my local train station the other month.
Small world isn’t it? I think the person who came up with that sixth degrees of separation thing, could really have been on to something.

So the Euro 2016 Football Tournament is underway and England play their opening game against Russia tonight. I have to confess I have not got too excited about this yet.
But a good England victory tonight could change all that. Good luck to Roy Hodgson and the squad. Somebody has got to win it. So why can’t it be us?

I remember I was very excited before Euro 1996. Which was held in England. There was a really good documentary about it with Alan Shearer on the BBC the other week. He caught up with the manager Terry Venables and lots of the players from the squad. To talk through their memories of it.
That made me remember how great it was. The feel good factor in the country. And how close we came to winning it. If only Paul Gascoigne was two inches taller. We would have made the final at the very least. So near and yet so far. A win for England this time would make for an amazing summer. Come on England!

Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Cheers Neil.