Hi there, how are you doing? I hope you have had a good couple of weeks. Mine have been great with lots of fun things going on. We are in the middle of the Rugby Union World Cup in England currently. I cannot claim to be a massive fan of playing the sport and hated it in games lessons at school. I had to go in the scrum as a second row forward. When I would have much rather stood out of the way on the sidelines as a winger. As I could have just avoided the ball more and stayed away from the action. I am always happy to watch and support England in any competition. I made sure I caught the Opening Ceremony on television.
I thought it was really good. A twenty minute production with more than a couple of nods to the Olympic opening in 2012. Including another Royal on screen cameo. This time from Prince Harry. Who also delivered a speech from the centre of the pitch. Which I thought was very nicely done.
Also well done to the comedian, TV Warm Up Man and Buckinghamshire resident Andy Collins. Who was charged with getting the capacity crowd fired up and ready for when the eyes of the world were on them. I look forward to hopefully bumping in to him at a television studio, once again in the near future.

I had a brilliant morning at the ITV Studios on the South Bank the other week. I was there to help a production company called Chalkboard with a live run through of a brand new game show. That they are trying to get commissioned. And hopefully on our televisions soon. They are a fantastic group of people very friendly, enthusiastic and professional. We all met up in reception before heading in to the lift and up to the Thames Room. We got set up, had a cup of tea and a quick practice of the game. Before the TV executives that we were trying to impress arrived.
We were also joined by two French TV Producers. Who have already made a pilot version of the quiz, that we were show casing. I have seen a clip of it and it looks great in their studio. The executives arrived in the room. And me and my co-contestant Rob played a couple of rounds of it. So they could see the format. How it plays and all works.
It went really well and everybody left the room happy. Fingers crossed they take the show and then make it. It would be nice to see something that I have played a very small part in the development of, being successful and getting a good run on the television. If and when I get any news that I am able to tell you, rest assured I will.

I am a massive fan of live theatre and musicals but I very rarely watch any films. About a year ago I saw the Jersey Boys movie and absolutely loved it. Since seeing it at the cinema I decided that I really wanted to see the stage version. Which was about long before the film. Finally last week I managed to find some spare time and catch the matinee at the Piccadilly Theatre in the West End. It tells the story of the group the Four Seasons, from the very early days through to the end of their careers. While giving a good feel of what the area of America they came from, was really like back then.
It is pretty real and gritty for a musical. And it is fair to say they all have issues and problems both individually and collectively along the way. But the thing that really holds it together and makes it great, is the songs. They had some very big hits and they are all sung live by the very talented cast.
It is a real life story of how money and success can alter friendships and situations. But also how certain bonds are built up with people that just cannot be broken. The music and the harmony’s are so good. It will leave you feeling happy and hyped up, like any good musical really should in my opinion. I am really glad I finally went to see it. But I already knew beforehand that I would not be disappointed by it.

I enjoyed a fun night out recently with a few of the people I work with at Wembley Stadium. A fairly low key night. We just met in pub that is part of a well known chain of Irish Bar’s in Kings Cross. Whose full name is pretty similar to my first name. We then went on to a bar around the corner. Where the fantastic Rockaoke band were playing.
Just in case you are not familiar with these guys. They are a group, who provide a slightly different take on karaoke. They play the songs totally live and supply all the words. You just hop on stage with them and sing. I met them in January at a birthday party in Oxfordshire. They were brilliant then and my mate Jeff Nolan got up and did a few numbers with them. Which was ace.

They have also played on most of the Chris Moyle’s Show Tours, at Carfest events and backstage at some pretty cool places including the V-Festival. They were once again excellent. And they do seem to attract a better class of singer than normal karaoke’s. Although I guess to get up there and sing with a full band. You at least have to have a little bit of confidence. That you know what you are doing.
That said the group are ace and would help you out were it required vocally, I believe. To save the ears of the audience if nothing else. They were very popular in the pub that night. When we arrived there all the slots to sing for the rest of the evening had already been booked up. I look forward to seeing them live again soon.

I have been lucky enough to go to the actual Munich Beer Festival, the original Oktoberfest on two previous occasions. Both times I went with friends and we stayed at a camp site about thirty minutes from Munich. It is an amazing event. They have around fifteen big Bierkellers, all of which represent the different beers and hold around four thousand people. You end up drinking, talking, then as the evening wears on singing and dancing with people from all over the world. The atmosphere is electric. Everyone is there to just have a good time. Plus the Oompah band’s play their own versions of lots of very well known party hits. All of which sound great after a few steins and may be a large pretzel.
Anyway so last Saturday I went to an Oktoberfest Night at a Bavarian Bar in the Tower Hill area of London. It was organised by Lee Bryant, who runs the Laughing Badger Comedy Club in Hemel Hempstead. He spoke to me ages ago about it and told me that he was dressing up for the occasion. So I said that I would do the same.
After much debate about how we were going to get there and where we were going to meet. He suggested I stay at his so we could travel up and back to the Capital together. As I did not really fancy moving through London on my own in an unfamiliar outfit. I took him up on his very kind offer. Specially after he guaranteed that he would cook me a big fry up the morning after.

He lives near Harpenden, so we caught the train in to London from there. Both dressed up in our Lederhosen’s. I am not going to lie to you we did get some pretty strange looks. People were either trying to completely avoid us, not get eye contact with us or engage us in a short conversion. I think the latter just wanted to make sure we were heading somewhere appropriate dressed in these strange clothes.
The tube across London was not any less of an embarrassment. With everywhere full of people and everyone accept us in more normal weekend attire. We arrived at the venue, met the other six people in our party. Only to find out that with the exception of the staff and one other group of four people we were the only ones who were dressed up in the whole place.
Do not worry this did not stop us having a great time. Everyone there was very friendly and I lost count of the number of people who wanted to have a go with my drinking hat. The waitress who looked after us Ella from Frankfurt was lovely. The beer flowed rather nicely and the three piece Oompah Band they had wandering around were a right laugh. They were happy to get involved, do requests and have us sing along with them. Plus in between the band they also played in some big party songs. So we could have a good old sing and dance.

Now many, many years ago when I started out. I used to with a group of friends of mine do disco’s for Stoke Mandeville Hospital Radio. We developed a bit within our performance’s. Where we would bring in a few little props and then lead the dances to a few big floor fillers. Our main number was the YMCA complete with all the head gear required to replicate The Village People. When we did it back then it always used to go down a storm.
Well last Saturday night in that bar. Along with Lee and the staff. For one night only I joined in with a special version of that dance. I can confirm that I can still remember all the moves by the way. I am just hoping that no one was videoing it on their mobile phone. That really was not a problem when we were doing that the first time around. Nobody even had phones let alone ones that could film things.

It was an excellent evening out and I would definitely head back there again at some point. And also Lee Bryant’s breakfast promise was fulfilled and it was delicious. While I remember, if you fancy some live comedy in the Hertfordshire area. Then check out the latest Laughing Badger Comedy Night taking place on Saturday 14th November. Click here for more details Laughing Badger Comedy

So for my Mum’s slightly belated Birthday treat I took her for a day out it London. She told me that she had not really been sight seeing there for about thirty years and fancied having a look round. So I obliged. We started off in Piccaddilly Circus then headed through Leicester Square. Just as we were going past the Capital Radio entrance Amanda Holden came out of there and started walking right behind us.
Then suddenly a few photographers arrived on the scene trying to take pictures of her. The photographers were in front of me and my mum. While Amanda was walking behind us still, trying to use us as a bit of a shield I think. She eventually over took us and then jumped straight in to a waiting car. She must get that all the time but it did seem a bit odd with people shouting at her and all these camera flashes going off. Although secretly I may have enjoyed it a little bit. By the way for the record she looked stunning and was very friendly and polite to everyone.

From here our huge walking tour of London took us via Trafalgar Square, St James Park. Buckingham Palace, The Mall, Horse Guards Parade then to Downing Street, Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, South Bank and finally on to St Paul’s Cathedral. Where opposite we found a really nice Italian Restaurant for dinner.
Before continuing on to Fleet Street, Covent Garden then ending up in my favourite pub in London Waxy O’Connor’s to enjoy a well earned pint. A successful and fun day spending time with my mum. And enjoying the many delights of our Capital city. Plus the weather was great. London always looks amazing when it is sunny.

So since we spoke last Chris Moyles has returned to the airwaves. He is now back presenting The Chris Moyles Show on newly launched Global station Radio X. I am a big fan of his work, so I did listen in to his first Breakfast Show.
It is going to be interesting to see how he will manage to compete with the big hitters on what nationally is mainly just a DAB station. But I am sure he is up for the fight and will give it a good go. He has started nicely and the station have spent quite a bit on publicity for it. Which should help a bit.

I have met him twice over the years. Once through the glass of what used to be Chiltern Radio in Dunstable. As an enthusiastic teenager I went for an interview late one evening for a Technical Operator’s Job for the AM Super Gold station that broadcast from the same studio complex. I could see him through the glass doing his show and I have to confess was watching and staring at what he was doing. When he then came on the studio talk back to advise me that he wasn’t a goldfish.
The second time was at a book signing in Yeovil. When I was working at a radio station down there. I nipped out in my lunch hour to get a copy of his book signed and have a brief chat. I thought it would be amusing to give him a pen from Ivel fm. Where I was working at the time. I wonder if he still has it? He in turn asked me to give him a mention on my afternoon show. Now as much as I like him. I was certainly not going to suddenly promote another radio station. So I just gave a shout out to Chris from Leeds down in Yeovil and wished him luck with his new book. He will do a great job at Radio X.

Have fun and we will catch up again in a couple of weeks. Cheers Neil.